Throughout her speech, Maya encouraged the audience to be a rainbow for others. She profoundly observed that timidity kills opportunities to save others’ lives.
Timidity kills dreams. Timidity kills the opportunity to serve others. Timidity blots out rainbows that are so desperately needed in this world.
We rarely know the role we play in helping another – or how close we were to saving another but gave up short of throwing the lifeline they needed…because we were scared to show up fully.
It is so easy to get caught up in fear. We slip into hiding, putting off inspired action for a someday…that never comes. Only when we embrace courage and continue to step forth into who we are called to be can we truly serve as a rainbow to others.
We need you – yes, YOU – to shine in all of your glory.
Choose courage over timidity. Choose love over fear.
Keep stepping into being only you and fully you.
Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud today.