Real-life data often contain mixtures of different types of data, which makes the choice of analysis technique somewhat arbitrary. It is quite possible that two statisticians confronted with the same data set may select different methods of data analysis, depending upon what assumptions they are willing to take into account while interpreting the results of analysis. Suppose, there is one dependent variable measured on the interval scale, and five independent variables, of which three are interval-scaled variables, one nominal variable and one ordinal variable with five modalities. In such a situation, some statisticians would use multiple regression analysis, treating one ordinal variable as interval-scale variable and use dummy variables for the nominal variable. Some statisticians may categorize all the interval scale variables and perform an analysis of variance.----Real-life data often contain a mixture of different types of data, which will make the choice of the arbitrary use of analytical techniques. It is quite possible that the two faced the same set of statistics may choose different methods of analyzing the data, depending on what assumptions they were willing to consider while interpreting the results of the analysis. Assuming that there is one of the variables measured in the range of five levels and a third independent variable is the variable range, adjust one or more variables and one variable sequence of five rays. In this situation, some people will use statistical regression analysis of several variables, one treatment is variable and use the variable for the specified variable dummy. Some people may all category statistics variable size over time and perform the analysis of variance.
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