What a smart city of the future will look like? Learn 7 trends in urba การแปล - What a smart city of the future will look like? Learn 7 trends in urba อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

What a smart city of the future wil

What a smart city of the future will look like? Learn 7 trends in urban living for 2014
Anna Rudenko Dec 18, 2013
Cities are gradually evolving into more personalized spaces, allowing citizens to organize their life in the most sustainable way. Originally being areas for masses, cities are shifting towards focusing on individuals—their intellectual and physical needs, their passions, social and environmental views and aspirations.

Within the past year, there have been two major trends in re-arranging urban life: on the one hand, cities tend to be eco-friendly and more comfortable; on the other hand, the urban environment integrates technology for communal living, thus gets more tech-oriented and somewhat futuristic.

Find some most vibrant trends in urban living that will gain momentum in 2014, below.

1. Expanded interiors revolutionize homes

Along with the opportunity to expand—from the professional and creative points of view,—cities also make its dwellers “shrink”—in terms of living space. In megalopolises, most people buy or rent smaller apartments comparing to the ones they would have in towns and villages, so they need smarter solutions to store goods and arrange furniture to accommodate various occasions. Nowadays, our homes can “breath,” deliver essential purification, help cook, etc.

Left to right: 1. OpenDesk furniture, 2. the Apostrophy’s concept flat, 3. the Alreria project in France (click to enlarge)

Rethinking traditional furniture. The “Make small spaces big” message, the tagline of 2013’s IKEA campaign in the UK, epitomizes the endeavors of architects and designers. The Swedish retailer shared its “home with home for everything” tips on the dedicated page. The pop-up furniture trend has been growing this year with the fabric Level Wall Shelf that adjusts to the weight on it, Fusillo bookshelf that features adjustable wooden elements, and a bed by Italian furniture makers Espace Loggia that can elevate itself to the ceiling to provide extra space. Mirror furniture may also be a solution for small spaces—the pieces merge into the settings and don’t “overload” the interiors. Augmented reality pieces can add a story to the interiors, just like TexTales children’s bed sheets do. 3D-printing is also the part of interior design’s future—soon, we won’t need to select ready-made piece as we would probably be able to create them at home with a 3D-printer. “Do-it-yourself” furniture kits come as a current alternative to the futuristic 3D printing. OpenDesk now allows to download digital files for free to be then fed into a CNC machine that produces raw pieces of wood to be finished and assembled into a ready-to-use furniture piece.
Restructuring the house. The traditional forms of the house or apartment are all yesterday—today designers are searching for the new ways of managing square meters of the walls, windows and ceiling. The Apostrophy’s concept is exploring the multi-levelness of the space—the living areas are separated by levels, and the floors allow to use the podiums for storage. The era of affordable mini-housing may be also coming or rather returning, as this trend used to flourish in Japan. The creators of Nomad Micro Home kits that are easily assembled and cost as little as $30,000, are now looking for external funding through the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.
Going beyond the living space. The outside space means a lot. Smart architecture house projects are as important as smart interior designs. Turning the multi-unit house in a piece of art and a source of joy, the Alreria project in France featured multiple colored panels all across the social housing building to add more color to the sunlight going inside the apartments. The project aims to boost the mood of the residents with color therapy.
What to expect: The interior and exterior designs of the houses will revolutionize dramatically over the next few years with the launch of affordable 3D-printers. Most probably, furniture retailers, like IKEA, will make a step from selling pieces to be assembled at home to selling materials and files for producing pieces in 3D-printing machines on spot. We may probably get smarter adaptive sofas, moving ceilings and noise-absorbing blinds and wallpapers (the two last ideas have been already realized with Feltone and Form Us With Love wool wood hexagons).

2. Internet of things serves domestic needs

Production is not the only area where the industry of furniture and home appliances will see dramatic change. Home objects, ranging from coffee tables to window panes, are likely to feature digital sensors, connected with desktops and tablets to add new functions to ordinary things.

Lapka (upper left) ; EggMinder (upper right); Canary (lower left); Sprav (lower right) (click to enlarge)

Smart sensitive Internet-based features. Special devices are now created that measure and regulate the intensity of light and noise. For instance, the AirBoxLab device, which has the app and a cylinder sensor element, measures and reports on the temperature and relative humidity as well as on the levels of VOC, CO2, CO in the air. The Lapka kit is similar to the previous product—it works as a personal environmental monitor that measures and reports on radiation, nitrates in raw products, electromagnetic fields (EMF), as well as the temperature and relative humidity. It also compares the results with the guidelines for certain environments. The Sono device, that sticks to the window and helps turn the street noise in the flat into more pleasurable sounds, is designed to work without apps and is not web-connected yet. The device, which is in the concept stage at the moment, makes a window shake slightly in the way that drives down the vibrations of the ambient noise and adds nice sounds to create a relaxed atmosphere. Design student Tashia Tucker has suggested a range of applications that use the power of microorganisms in interiors. For instance, they can remove dirt and dust from the surfaces and also warn people of hazardous chemicals in the air.
Cooking & eating experience improved with tech. Sensors and applications can also help people eat healthier. EggMinder by Quirky and GE is a smart egg tray that keeps track of how many eggs left in the fridge, and also detects stale eggs—owners get this information on their smartphone. Range is an app that captures and processes information sent by special sticks, inserted into a variety of foods during cooking.
Security enhanced with tiny devices. Along with tidiness, quietness and perfectly cooked meals, we also want safety at home. Canary, the Wi-Fi connected multi-sensor, checks what’s going on in the rooms while the house owner is out through a wide-angle lens, sensitive microphone, accelerometer and motion detector (more traditional humidity and air condition sensors are also there). The device sends alert messages to the house’s owner if something seems to be going wrong in there. It pulled in about $2 million instead of requested $100,000 in just a month on Indiegogo. The Spotter by Quirky and GE, a sensor pack that analyzes a variety of physical conditions in the room—temperature, humidity, vibration, light and sound— can be programmed to deliver scheduled messages to a smartphone, reporting on the current state of appliances and other things in the room, to your mobile device.
Inspiring smart consumption. Smart homes are enabled to adjust heat, water and electricity consumption to our habits, and also warn us when we overconsume. The Netatmo thermostat is designed to control the heating system at home remotely through an app, setting the comfortable temperature according to the user’s activities and habits. Sprav, a wireless meter, gets attached to a tap to measure water and energy consumption during showers. The device provides visual and audio feedback to let users balance their water and energy consumption and reduce shower costs by 10-20% per year. Shared consumption may also come as a solution to home-related spending—in its “Families of the future” study Dragon Rouge predicts that in the coming decades single-parent families will also share living/dining and kitchen spaces (Tandem Tribes), all to reduce their environmental impact.
What to expect: Modern homes are getting more connected and enhanced with technology. There will be chairs that measure weight and send diet recommendations, scanners that detect freshness of the food, and more.

3. Tamed nature amid urban jungles

We’re entering the era of letting more nature into our lives with the help of technology. Home and on-building gardens, smart tiny farms, solar panels—this all is gaining momentum now.

Left to right: 1. Window Socket, 2. Farm 432, 3. Sealeaf (click to enlarge)

Solar batteries for homes. IKEA UK has started selling solar panels to individuals this year. Solar energy can also be used at home for one-purpose tasks like charging a phone. This idea was implemented in Window Socket that gets mounted onto a window pane to accumulate solar energy. At 1, 000 mAh, it can provide 10 hours of power and it takes 5-8 hours to fully charge.
Home farms grow smart. While farming in a flat sounds like a dream that can never come true, insect mini-farms change the perspective. Being a great natural source of protein, insects are easy to grow at home as a nutritious alternative to veal and chicken. Farm 432 is a table-top prototype vessel for growing black soldier fly larvae, which contains up to 42% of protein. The LEPSIS terrarium lets breed grasshoppers at home for the same cooking purposes.
Smart gardening in the city. As most city gardens are restricted on space, the smart floating garden Sealeaf is grown in the sea instead of land. This is a modular hydroponic floating agricultural system developed for urban coastal aquatic areas. The unit collects rainwater, uses solar energy and regulates
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เป็น: อังกฤษ
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
What a smart city of the future will look like? Learn 7 trends in urban living for 2014Anna Rudenko Dec 18, 2013Cities are gradually evolving into more personalized spaces, allowing citizens to organize their life in the most sustainable way. Originally being areas for masses, cities are shifting towards focusing on individuals—their intellectual and physical needs, their passions, social and environmental views and aspirations.Within the past year, there have been two major trends in re-arranging urban life: on the one hand, cities tend to be eco-friendly and more comfortable; on the other hand, the urban environment integrates technology for communal living, thus gets more tech-oriented and somewhat futuristic.Find some most vibrant trends in urban living that will gain momentum in 2014, below.1. Expanded interiors revolutionize homesAlong with the opportunity to expand—from the professional and creative points of view,—cities also make its dwellers "shrink"—in terms of living space. In megalopolises, most people buy or rent smaller apartments comparing to the ones they would have in towns and villages, so they need smarter solutions to store goods and arrange furniture to accommodate various occasions. Nowadays, our homes can "breath," deliver essential purification, help cook, etc.urban_living_01Left to right: 1. OpenDesk furniture, 2. the Apostrophy's concept flat, 3. the Alreria project in France (click to enlarge)Rethinking traditional furniture. The "Make small spaces big" message, the tagline of 2013's IKEA campaign in the UK, epitomizes the endeavors of architects and designers. The Swedish retailer shared its "home with home for everything" tips on the dedicated page. The pop-up furniture trend has been growing this year with the fabric Level Wall Shelf that adjusts to the weight on it, Fusillo bookshelf that features adjustable wooden elements, and a bed by Italian furniture makers Espace Loggia that can elevate itself to the ceiling to provide extra space. Mirror furniture may also be a solution for small spaces—the pieces merge into the settings and don't "overload" the interiors. Augmented reality pieces can add a story to the interiors, just like TexTales children's bed sheets do. 3D-printing is also the part of interior design's future—soon, we won't need to select ready-made piece as we would probably be able to create them at home with a 3D-printer. "Do-it-yourself" furniture kits come as a current alternative to the futuristic 3D printing. OpenDesk now allows to download digital files for free to be then fed into a CNC machine that produces raw pieces of wood to be finished and assembled into a ready-to-use furniture piece.Restructuring the house. The traditional forms of the house or apartment are all yesterday—today designers are searching for the new ways of managing square meters of the walls, windows and ceiling. The Apostrophy's concept is exploring the multi-levelness of the space—the living areas are separated by levels, and the floors allow to use the podiums for storage. The era of affordable mini-housing may be also coming or rather returning, as this trend used to flourish in Japan. The creators of Nomad Micro Home kits that are easily assembled and cost as little as $30,000, are now looking for external funding through the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.Going beyond the living space. The outside space means a lot. Smart architecture house projects are as important as smart interior designs. Turning the multi-unit house in a piece of art and a source of joy, the Alreria project in France featured multiple colored panels all across the social housing building to add more color to the sunlight going inside the apartments. The project aims to boost the mood of the residents with color therapy.What to expect: The interior and exterior designs of the houses will revolutionize dramatically over the next few years with the launch of affordable 3D-printers. Most probably, furniture retailers, like IKEA, will make a step from selling pieces to be assembled at home to selling materials and files for producing pieces in 3D-printing machines on spot. We may probably get smarter adaptive sofas, moving ceilings and noise-absorbing blinds and wallpapers (the two last ideas have been already realized with Feltone and Form Us With Love wool wood hexagons). 2. Internet of things serves domestic needsProduction is not the only area where the industry of furniture and home appliances will see dramatic change. Home objects, ranging from coffee tables to window panes, are likely to feature digital sensors, connected with desktops and tablets to add new functions to ordinary things.urban_living_02Lapka (upper left) ; EggMinder (upper right); Canary (lower left); Sprav (lower right) (click to enlarge)Smart sensitive Internet-based features. Special devices are now created that measure and regulate the intensity of light and noise. For instance, the AirBoxLab device, which has the app and a cylinder sensor element, measures and reports on the temperature and relative humidity as well as on the levels of VOC, CO2, CO in the air. The Lapka kit is similar to the previous product—it works as a personal environmental monitor that measures and reports on radiation, nitrates in raw products, electromagnetic fields (EMF), as well as the temperature and relative humidity. It also compares the results with the guidelines for certain environments. The Sono device, that sticks to the window and helps turn the street noise in the flat into more pleasurable sounds, is designed to work without apps and is not web-connected yet. The device, which is in the concept stage at the moment, makes a window shake slightly in the way that drives down the vibrations of the ambient noise and adds nice sounds to create a relaxed atmosphere. Design student Tashia Tucker has suggested a range of applications that use the power of microorganisms in interiors. For instance, they can remove dirt and dust from the surfaces and also warn people of hazardous chemicals in the air.Cooking & eating experience improved with tech. Sensors and applications can also help people eat healthier. EggMinder by Quirky and GE is a smart egg tray that keeps track of how many eggs left in the fridge, and also detects stale eggs—owners get this information on their smartphone. Range is an app that captures and processes information sent by special sticks, inserted into a variety of foods during cooking.Security enhanced with tiny devices. Along with tidiness, quietness and perfectly cooked meals, we also want safety at home. Canary, the Wi-Fi connected multi-sensor, checks what's going on in the rooms while the house owner is out through a wide-angle lens, sensitive microphone, accelerometer and motion detector (more traditional humidity and air condition sensors are also there). The device sends alert messages to the house's owner if something seems to be going wrong in there. It pulled in about $2 million instead of requested $100,000 in just a month on Indiegogo. The Spotter by Quirky and GE, a sensor pack that analyzes a variety of physical conditions in the room—temperature, humidity, vibration, light and sound— can be programmed to deliver scheduled messages to a smartphone, reporting on the current state of appliances and other things in the room, to your mobile device.Inspiring smart consumption. Smart homes are enabled to adjust heat, water and electricity consumption to our habits, and also warn us when we overconsume. The Netatmo thermostat is designed to control the heating system at home remotely through an app, setting the comfortable temperature according to the user's activities and habits. Sprav, a wireless meter, gets attached to a tap to measure water and energy consumption during showers. The device provides visual and audio feedback to let users balance their water and energy consumption and reduce shower costs by 10-20% per year. Shared consumption may also come as a solution to home-related spending—in its "Families of the future" study Dragon Rouge predicts that in the coming decades single-parent families will also share living/dining and kitchen spaces (Tandem Tribes), all to reduce their environmental impact.What to expect: Modern homes are getting more connected and enhanced with technology. There will be chairs that measure weight and send diet recommendations, scanners that detect freshness of the food, and more.3. Tamed nature amid urban junglesWe're entering the era of letting more nature into our lives with the help of technology. Home and on-building gardens, smart tiny farms, solar panels—this all is gaining momentum now.urban_living_trends_2013_03Left to right: 1. Window Socket, 2. Farm 432, 3. Sealeaf (click to enlarge)Solar batteries for homes. IKEA UK has started selling solar panels to individuals this year. Solar energy can also be used at home for one-purpose tasks like charging a phone. This idea was implemented in Window Socket that gets mounted onto a window pane to accumulate solar energy. At 1, 000 mAh, it can provide 10 hours of power and it takes 5-8 hours to fully charge.Home farms grow smart. While farming in a flat sounds like a dream that can never come true, insect mini-farms change the perspective. Being a great natural source of protein, insects are easy to grow at home as a nutritious alternative to veal and chicken. Farm 432 is a table-top prototype vessel for growing black soldier fly larvae, which contains up to 42% of protein. The LEPSIS terrarium lets breed grasshoppers at home for the same cooking purposes.Smart gardening in the city. As most city gardens are restricted on space, the smart floating garden Sealeaf is grown in the sea instead of land. This is a modular hydroponic floating agricultural system developed for urban coastal aquatic areas. The unit collects rainwater, uses solar energy and regulates
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
What a smart city of the future will look like? Learn 7 Trends in Urban Living for 2 014
Anna Rudenko Dec 18, 2013th
Cities are gradually evolving more Into Personalized Spaces, allowing their citizens to Organize Life in the Most Sustainable Way. Originally being areas for masses, Cities are shifting towards focusing on individuals-their Intellectual and physical Needs, their passions, social and Environmental Views and aspirations. Within the Past year, there have been Two Major Trends in re-arranging Urban Life: on the. one hand, cities tend to be eco-friendly and more comfortable; on the Other Hand, the Urban Environment integrates Technology for Communal Living, thus more Gets Tech-oriented and somewhat futuristic. Find Some Trends in Urban vibrant Most Living Will that gain momentum in the 2014th, Below. 1. Interiors expanded revolutionize homes Along with the opportunity to Expand Professional and Creative-from the points of View, also -cities Make its dwellers "Shrink"-in terms of Living Space. In megalopolises, most people buy or rent smaller apartments comparing to the ones they would have in towns and villages, so they need smarter solutions to store goods and arrange furniture to accommodate various occasions. Nowadays, our homes Can "breath," deliver Essential Purification, Help Cook, etc. Urban_living_01 Left to Right: 1. OpenDesk Furniture, 2. the Apostrophy's Concept Flat, 3. the Alreria Project in France (Click to enlarge) Rethinking traditional Furniture. . The "Make small spaces big" message, the tagline of 2013's IKEA campaign in the UK, epitomizes the endeavors of architects and designers. The Swedish retailer shared its "home with home for everything" tips on the dedicated page. The pop-up furniture trend has been growing this year with the fabric Level Wall Shelf that adjusts to the weight on it, Fusillo bookshelf that features adjustable wooden elements, and a bed by Italian furniture makers Espace Loggia that can elevate itself to the ceiling to. provide extra space. Mirror furniture may also be a solution for small spaces-the pieces merge into the settings and do not "overload" the interiors. Augmented reality pieces can add a story to the interiors, just like TexTales children's bed sheets do. 3D-printing is also the part of interior design's future-soon, we will not need to select ready-made piece as we would probably be able to create them at home with a 3D-printer. "Do-it-yourself" furniture kits come as a current alternative to the futuristic 3D printing. Allows OpenDesk now to download for free Digital Files to be then fed Into a CNC Machine that produces RAW Finished pieces of Wood to be assembled and Ready-to-use Furniture Into a piece. Restructuring the House. The traditional forms of the house or apartment are all yesterday-today designers are searching for the new ways of managing square meters of the walls, windows and ceiling. The Apostrophy's concept is exploring the multi-levelness of the space-the living areas are separated by levels, and the floors allow to use the podiums for storage. The era of affordable mini-housing may be also coming or rather returning, as this trend used to flourish in Japan. Creators of the Nomad Micro Home Kits that are easily assembled and cost as Little as $ 30,000, are now funding Through the Looking for External Platform Indiegogo crowdfunding. Going Beyond the Living Space. The outside space means a lot. Smart architecture house projects are as important as smart interior designs. Turning the multi-unit house in a piece of art and a source of joy, the Alreria project in France featured multiple colored panels all across the social housing building to add more color to the sunlight going inside the apartments. The Project aims to Boost the Mood of the residents with Color Therapy. What to expect: The Interior and exterior Designs of the houses over the next few years Will revolutionize dramatically with the Launch of Affordable 3D-Printers. Most probably, furniture retailers, like IKEA, will make a step from selling pieces to be assembled at home to selling materials and files for producing pieces in 3D-printing machines on spot. May we probably Adaptive Get Smarter sofas, ceilings and Moving Noise-absorbing Blinds and Wallpapers (the last Two ideas have already been realized with Form Us With Love Wool Wood Feltone and hexagons). 2. Internet of Things serves domestic Needs Production is not the only Area where the Home Appliances and Furniture Industry of Change Will See dramatic. Home Objects, ranging from Coffee tables to Window panes, are likely to Feature Digital sensors, Connected with desktops and tablets to Add New functions to Ordinary Things. Urban_living_02 Lapka (Upper left); EggMinder (upper right); Canary (lower left); Sprav (Lower Right) (Click to enlarge) Smart sensitive internet-based features. Special devices are now created that measure and regulate the intensity of light and noise. For instance, the AirBoxLab device, which has the app and a cylinder sensor element, measures and reports on the temperature and relative humidity as well as on the levels of VOC, CO2, CO in the air. The Lapka kit is similar to the previous product-it works as a personal environmental monitor that measures and reports on radiation, nitrates in raw products, electromagnetic fields (EMF), as well as the temperature and relative humidity. It also compares the results with the guidelines for certain environments. The Sono device, that sticks to the window and helps turn the street noise in the flat into more pleasurable sounds, is designed to work without apps and is not web-connected yet. The device, which is in the concept stage at the moment, makes a window shake slightly in the way that drives down the vibrations of the ambient noise and adds nice sounds to create a relaxed atmosphere. Design student Tashia Tucker has suggested a range of applications that use the power of microorganisms in interiors. For instance, they Can Remove Dirt and dust from the surfaces of hazardous chemicals and also Warn people in the Air. Cooking & Eating Experience improved with Tech. Sensors and applications can also help people eat healthier. EggMinder by Quirky and GE is a smart egg tray that keeps track of how many eggs left in the fridge, and also detects stale eggs-owners get this information on their smartphone. Range is an App that Captures and processes information Sent by special sticks, inserted Into a Variety of Foods during Cooking. Security Enhanced with tiny Devices. Along with tidiness, quietness and perfectly cooked meals, we also want safety at home. Canary, the Wi-Fi connected multi-sensor, checks what's going on in the rooms while the house owner is out through a wide-angle lens, sensitive microphone, accelerometer and motion detector (more traditional humidity and air condition sensors are also there). . The device sends alert messages to the house's owner if something seems to be going wrong in there. It pulled in about $ 2 million instead of requested $ 100,000 in just a month on Indiegogo. The Spotter by Quirky and GE, a sensor pack that analyzes a variety of physical conditions in the room-temperature, humidity, vibration, light and sound- can be programmed to deliver scheduled messages to a smartphone, reporting on the current state of appliances and. Other Things in the Room, to your Mobile Device. Inspiring Smart consumption. Smart homes are enabled to adjust heat, water and electricity consumption to our habits, and also warn us when we overconsume. The Netatmo thermostat is designed to control the heating system at home remotely through an app, setting the comfortable temperature according to the user's activities and habits. Sprav, a wireless meter, gets attached to a tap to measure water and energy consumption during showers. The device provides visual and audio feedback to let users balance their water and energy consumption and reduce shower costs by 10-20% per year. Shared consumption may also come as a solution to home-related spending-in its "Families of the future" study Dragon Rouge predicts that in the coming decades single-parent families will also share living / dining and kitchen spaces (Tandem Tribes), all. Reduce their Environmental Impact to. What to expect: Modern homes are getting more and Connected with Enhanced Technology. Will there be Chairs that measure weight and diet Send Recommendations, scanners that detect the freshness of Food, and more. 3. Amid Tamed nature Urban jungles We're entering the Era of Letting nature more Into our Lives with the Help of Technology. Home-Building and on gardens, tiny Smart Farms, Solar panels is gaining momentum all this-now. Urban_living_trends_2013_03 Left to Right: 1. Window Socket, 2. Farm 432, 3. Sealeaf (Click to enlarge) Solar Batteries for homes. IKEA UK has started selling solar panels to individuals this year. Solar energy can also be used at home for one-purpose tasks like charging a phone. This idea was implemented in Window Socket that gets mounted onto a window pane to accumulate solar energy. At 1, 000 mAh, Can it provide 10 hours of Power and Takes 5-8 hours to fully charge it. Home Farms Grow Smart. While farming in a flat sounds like a dream that can never come true, insect mini-farms change the perspective. Being a great natural source of protein, insects are easy to grow at home as a nutritious alternative to veal and chicken. Farm 432 is a table-top prototype vessel for growing black soldier fly larvae, which contains up to 42% of protein. LEPSIS the terrarium lets breed grasshoppers Cooking at Home for the Same purposes. Smart Gardening in the City. As most city gardens are restricted on space, the smart floating garden Sealeaf is grown in the sea instead of land. This is a modular hydroponic floating agricultural system developed for urban coastal aquatic areas. The unit collects rainwater, uses solar energy and regulates.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
What a smart city of the future will look like? Learn 7 trends in urban living for 2014
Anna Rudenko, Dec 18 2013
Cities. Are gradually evolving into more personalized spaces allowing citizens, to organize their life in the most sustainable, way. Originally being areas for masses cities are, shifting towards focusing on individuals - their intellectual and, physical needs. Their, passionsSocial and environmental views and aspirations.

Within the, past year there have been two major trends in re-arranging. Urban life: on the one hand cities tend, to be eco-friendly and more comfortable; on the other hand the urban, environment. Integrates technology for, communal living thus gets more Tech-oriented and somewhat futuristic.

.Find some most vibrant trends in urban living that will gain momentum, in 2014 below.

1. Expanded interiors revolutionize. Homes

Along with the opportunity to expand - from the professional and creative points of, cities view - also make its dwellers. "Shrink" - in terms of living space, In megalopolises.Most people buy or rent smaller apartments comparing to the ones they would have in towns, and villages so they need smarter. Solutions to store goods and arrange furniture to accommodate various occasions. Nowadays our homes, can "breath," deliver. Essential purification, help cook, etc.

Left urban_living_01 to right: 1. OpenDesk, furniture 2. The Apostrophy s concept. ' Flat, the 3.The Alreria project in France (click to enlarge)

Rethinking traditional furniture. The "Make small spaces big, message." The tagline of 2013 's IKEA campaign in the UK epitomizes the, endeavors of architects and designers. The Swedish retailer. Shared its "home with home for everything." tips on the dedicated page.The pop-up furniture trend has been growing this year with the fabric Level Wall Shelf that adjusts to the weight, on it. Fusillo bookshelf that features adjustable wooden elements and a, bed by Italian furniture makers Espace Loggia that can. Elevate itself to the ceiling to provide extra space.Mirror furniture may also be a solution for small spaces - the pieces merge into the settings and don 't "overload the interiors."). Augmented reality pieces can add a story to the interiors just like, TexTales children 's bed sheets do. 3D-printing is also. The part of interior design 's future -, soonWe won 't need to select ready-made piece as we would probably be able to create them at home with a 3D-printer. "Do-it-yourself." Furniture kits come as a current alternative to the futuristic 3D printing. OpenDesk now allows to download digital files. For free to be then fed into a CNC machine that produces raw pieces of wood to be finished and assembled into a ready-to-use. Furniture piece.
.Restructuring the house. The traditional forms of the house or apartment are all yesterday - today designers are searching. For the new ways of managing square meters of the walls windows and, ceiling. The Apostrophy 's concept is exploring the. Multi-levelness of the space - the living areas are separated by levels and the, floors allow to use the podiums for storage.The era of affordable mini-housing may be also coming or, rather returning as this trend used to flourish in Japan. The. Creators of Nomad Micro Home kits that are easily assembled and cost as little as, $30 000 are now, looking for external. Funding through the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.
Going beyond the living space. The outside space means a lot.Smart architecture house projects are as important as smart interior designs. Turning the multi-unit house in a piece of. Art and a source of joy the Alreria, project in France featured multiple colored panels all across the social housing building. To add more color to the sunlight going inside the apartments. The project aims to boost the mood of the residents with. Color therapy.
What to expect:The interior and exterior designs of the houses will revolutionize dramatically over the next few years with the launch. Of affordable 3D-printers. Most probably furniture, IKEA, retailers like, make will a step from selling pieces to be assembled. At home to selling materials and files for producing pieces in 3D-printing machines on spot. We may probably get smarter. Adaptive, sofasMoving ceilings and noise-absorbing blinds and Wallpapers (the two last ideas have been already realized with Feltone and. Form Us With Love wool wood hexagons).

2. Internet of things serves domestic needs

Production is not the only area where. The industry of furniture and home appliances will see dramatic change. Home objects ranging from, coffee tables to window. Panes.Are likely to feature, digital sensors connected with desktops and tablets to add new functions to ordinary things.

, urban_living_02 Lapka (upper left); EggMinder (upper right); Canary (lower left); Sprav (lower right) (click to enlarge)

Smart sensitive Internet-based. Features. Special devices are now created that measure and regulate the intensity of light and noise, For instance.The, AirBoxLab device which has the app and a cylinder sensor element measures and, reports on the temperature and relative. Humidity as well as on the levels, of VOC CO2 CO in, the air. The Lapka kit is similar to the previous product - it works. As a personal environmental monitor that measures and reports on radiation nitrates in, raw products electromagnetic fields,, (EMF),As well as the temperature and relative humidity. It also compares the results with the guidelines for certain, environments. The, Sono device that sticks to the window and helps turn the street noise in the flat into more, pleasurable sounds is. Designed to work without apps and is not web-connected yet. The device which is, in the concept stage at, the momentMakes a window shake slightly in the way that drives down the vibrations of the ambient noise and adds nice sounds to create. A relaxed atmosphere. Design student Tashia Tucker has suggested a range of applications that use the power of microorganisms. In interiors. For instance they can, remove dirt and dust from the surfaces and also warn people of hazardous chemicals. In the air.
.Cooking & eating experience improved with tech. Sensors and applications can also help people eat healthier. EggMinder. By Quirky and GE is a smart egg tray that keeps track of how many eggs left in the fridge and also, detects stale eggs - owners. Get this information on their smartphone. Range is an app that captures and processes information sent by, special sticksInserted into a variety of foods during cooking.
Security enhanced with tiny devices. Along with tidiness quietness and,, Perfectly, cooked meals we also want safety at home. Canary the Wi-Fi, connected multi-sensor checks what ', s going on in. The rooms while the house owner is out through a wide-angle lens sensitive microphone,,Accelerometer and motion detector (more traditional humidity and air condition sensors are also there). The device sends. Alert messages to the house 's owner if something seems to be going wrong in there. It pulled in about $2 million instead. Of requested $100 000 in, just a month on Indiegogo. The Spotter by Quirky, and GEA sensor pack that analyzes a variety of physical conditions in the room -,,, temperature humidity vibration light and sound - Can be programmed to deliver scheduled messages to a smartphone reporting on, the current state of appliances and other. Things in the room to your, mobile device.
Inspiring smart consumption. Smart homes are enabled to, adjust heatWater and electricity consumption to our habits and also, warn us when we overconsume. The Netatmo thermostat is designed. To control the heating system at home remotely through, an app setting the comfortable temperature according to the user s. ' Activities and habits. Sprav a wireless, meter gets attached, to a tap to measure water and energy consumption during showers.The device provides visual and audio feedback to let users balance their water and energy consumption and reduce shower. Costs by 10-20% per year. Shared consumption may also come as a solution to home-related spending - in its Families of the. " Future. "Study Dragon Rouge predicts that in the coming decades single-parent families will also share living / dining and. Kitchen spaces (Tandem Tribes),All to reduce their environmental impact.
What to expect: Modern homes are getting more connected and enhanced with, technology. There will be chairs that measure weight and send, diet recommendations scanners that detect freshness of, the food and. More.

3. Tamed nature amid urban jungles

We 're entering the era of letting more nature into our lives with the help of. Technology.Home and on-building gardens smart farms, tiny, panels solar - this all is gaining momentum now.

, urban_living_trends_2013_03 Left To right: 1. Window, Socket 2. Farm, 432 3. Sealeaf (click to enlarge)

Solar batteries for homes. IKEA UK has started selling. Solar panels to individuals this year. Solar energy can also be used at home for one-purpose tasks like charging a phone.This idea was implemented in Window Socket that gets mounted onto a window pane to accumulate solar energy. At 1 000 mAh,,, It can provide 10 hours of power and it takes 5-8 hours to fully charge.
Home farms grow smart. While farming in a flat. Sounds like a dream that can never, come true insect mini-farms change the perspective. Being a great natural source of. Protein.Insects are easy to grow at home as a nutritious alternative to veal and chicken. Farm 432 is a table-top prototype vessel. For growing black soldier, fly larvae which contains up to 42% of protein. The LEPSIS terrarium lets breed grasshoppers. At home for the same cooking purposes.
Smart gardening in the city. As most city gardens are restricted, on spaceThe smart floating garden Sealeaf is grown in the sea instead of land. This is a modular hydroponic floating agricultural. System developed for urban coastal aquatic areas. The unit, collects rainwater uses solar energy and regulates
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