Sentence structureWord order The word order in a sentence is usually a การแปล - Sentence structureWord order The word order in a sentence is usually a อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Sentence structureWord order The wo

Sentence structure
Word order The word order in a sentence is usually as follows :
(time) subject verb object manner place time
(Last night) The chairman delivered his speech vehemently at the conference hall last night
Tip Parallel structures express ideas of equal importance and are used in a
Check that in those parallel structures the same grammatical structures
are used.
A secretary's duties include writing, typing, organizing and filing.
structures with
Parallel structures should be used after correlative conjunctions:
both... and... both... and... as well as ...
not only...but also... not... but...
either… or… neither… nor…
but and
The training course consists of both theory and practical instruction.
structures with
Parallel structures should be used with comparisons:
comparative… than
the same… as
similar… to
Renting those apartments costs about the same as leasing them.
Note :
After comparative structures, that (of) and those (of) are used instead of
repeating a noun.
The team's overall performance is better than that of any individual could
possibly be.
Cardinal numbers (one, two, three...) are used as follows:
+ noun + cardinal number
Proceed to gate four. Wait for me on platform 2.
Note :
Ordinal numbers come before cardinal numbers as follows:
the + ordinal number + cardinal number + noun
He had trouble adjusting for the first two weeks.

Sentence structure, Suite
Ordinal numbers are formed as follows:
They are used as follows: the + ordinal number + noun
Take the third street on the left.
Note :
The order for dates is as follows:
the + ordinal number + of + month (GB)
My birthday is the twenty-second of August.
month + (the) + ordinal number
Independence Day in the US is July (the) fourth.
Question tags A question tag is used:
at the end of the sentence
to encourage agreement or to verify a statement
Main clause Question tag
Subject + positive verb
The salesmen performed really well,
negative auxiliary verb + subject pronoun?
didn’t they?
Subject + negative verb
The manager won’t succeed,
positive auxiliary verb + subject pronoun?
will he?
Tip In the question tag, check that the pronoun refers to the subject of the
main clause.
Questions The word order in a question is as follows :
(Question word) + auxiliary verb + subject + verb …?
Where will they be living?
Do you speak Spanish ?
What and Who can be the subject of the verb. In that case, the verb is
conjugated as in a positive statement.
What may happen?
Who is coming to the seminar?
Sentence structure, Suite
Inversion Inversion is used in the following cases:
Case Inversion
Omission of if
auxiliary verb (were/had/should) + subject + verb
Were she my daughter (if she were…), I would tell her.
Had I known (if I had known…), I wouldn’t have come.
Should you change your mind (if you change…), let me know.
Neither, nor, so
neither/nor/so + auxiliary verb + subject
I don’t like aggressive ads. - Nor/neither do I. (= I don't either)
I really like jazz music. - So do I. (= I do also/too)
After negative
adverbial expressions
negative adverbial expression + auxiliary verb + subject
Under no circumstances can we leave the room.
Never had I felt like this.
Tip Make sure there is no inversion in indirect questions.
The pattern should be: main clause + question word + subject + verb
I don't remember what her name is.
Conjunctions Conjunctions are :
used to join clauses together
used to show the relationship between the ideas in the clauses
followed by a subject and a verb
Cause/effect Place Condition Contrast Manner
in order
now that
so that
even if / though
in case
provided (that)
whether (or not)
even though
as if
as though
in that
Tip When you have two verbs in a sentence, it implies there are two clauses.
Then check there is either a semi-colon, a relative pronoun or a
conjunction that links those two clauses.

Sentence structure, Suite
No longer / no
No longer/not any longer are used with time
No more/not any more are used with time, quantity or degree
The no structures are used before the verb or after the verb “to be”
The not any structures are used at the end of the sentence
Example :
Mr. Jones doesn't work here any more/longer
He no longer fitted the job.
There's no more paper in the photocopier.
Linking regarding, as regards, as for
Contrasting on the one hand on the other hand,
however, nevertheless, (and) yet,
in comparison with, compared with,
Contradicting on the contrary, contrary to
Adding moreover, in addition, furthermore,
what's more
Talking about purpose in order to, so as to
Providing reasons owing to, due to, on account of,
because of, thanks to,
Explaining results consequently, as a result, therefore,
so, then, thus, hence
Generalizing on the whole, in general,
broadly speaking, generally speaking,
by and large, to some extent
Giving more exact information namely, that is to say, that is,
in other words
Summing up to sum up, in a word, in short, briefly,
in conclusion, finally, lastly, all in all,
to conclude, accordingly
How The word order is:
in questions:
How (+ adjective/adverb) + auxiliary verb + subject + verb?
How could I meet him?
How far can people go in the name of research?
in exclamations:
How + adjective/adverb + subject + verb!
I know how nice he really is.
He will receive a percentage based on how well they sell.
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
sentence structure
word order the word order in a sentence is usually as follows:
(time) subject verb object manner place time
(last night) the chairman delivered his speech vehemently at the conference hall last night
tip parallel structures express ideas of. equal importance and are used in a
check that in those parallel structures the same grammatical structures
are used.
.a secretary's duties include writing, typing, organizing and filing.
structures with
parallel structures should be used after correlative conjunctions:
both ... and ... both ... and ... as well as ...
not only ... but also ... not ... but ...
either ... or ... neither ... nor ...
but and
the training course consists of both theory and practical instruction.
.structures with
parallel structures should be used with comparisons:
  comparative ... than
  as ​​... as
  the same ... as
  similar ... to
renting those apartments costs about the same as leasing them.
after comparative structures, that (of) and those (of) are used instead of
repeating a noun.
the team's overall performance is better than that of any individual could
.possibly be.
cardinal numbers (one, two, three ...) are used as follows:
  noun cardinal number
proceed to gate four. wait for me on platform 2.
ordinal numbers come before cardinal numbers as follows:
the ordinal number cardinal number noun
he had trouble adjusting for the first two weeks.

sentence structure, suite
. numbers
ordinal numbers are formed as follows:
they are used as follows: the ordinal number noun
take the third street on the left.
.the order for dates is as follows:
the ordinal number of month (gb)
my birthday is the twenty-second of august.
month (the) ordinal number
independence day in the us is july (the) fourth.
question. tags a question tag is used:
  at the end of the sentence
  to encourage agreement or to verify a statement
main clause question tag
subject positive verb
.the salesmen performed really well,
negative auxiliary verb subject pronoun?
didn't they?
subject negative verb
the manager won't succeed,
positive auxiliary verb subject pronoun?
will he?
tip in the question tag, check. that the pronoun refers to the subject of the
main clause.
questions the word order in a question is as follows:
(question word) auxiliary verb subject verb ...?
.where will they be living?
do you speak spanish?
what and who can be the subject of the verb. in that case, the verb is
conjugated as in a positive statement.
what may happen?
who is coming to the seminar?
sentence structure, suite
inversion inversion is used in the following cases:
case inversion
omission of if.
auxiliary verb (were / had / should) subject verb
.were she my daughter (if she were ...), i would tell her.
had i known (if i had known ...), i wouldn't have come.
should you change your mind (if you change ...), let me. know.
neither, nor, so
neither / nor / so auxiliary verb subject
i don't like aggressive ads. - Nor / neither do i. (= I don't either)
i really like jazz music. - So do i. (= I do also / too)
after negative
adverbial expressions
.negative adverbial expression auxiliary verb subject
under no circumstances can we leave the room.
never had i felt like this.
tip make sure there is no inversion in indirect questions.
the pattern should be: main clause question word subject verb
i. don't remember what her name is.
conjunctions conjunctions are:
  used to join clauses together
.  used to show the relationship between the ideas in the clauses
  followed by a subject and a verb
cause / effect place condition contrast manner
in order
now that
so that
even if / though
in case
provided (that)
whether (or not)
even though
as if
as though
in. that
tip when you have two verbs in a sentence, it implies there are two clauses.
then check there is either a semi-colon, a relative pronoun or a
conjunction that links those two clauses.

sentence structure, suite
no longer. / no
  no longer / not any longer are used with time
  no more / not any more are used with time, quantity or degree
.  the no structures are used before the verb or after the verb "to be"
  the not any structures are used at the end of the sentence
  mr. jones doesn't work here any more / longer
  he no longer fitted the job.
  there's no more paper in the photocopier.
  linking regarding, as regards, as for
  contrasting. on the one hand   on the other hand,
however,.nevertheless, (and) yet,
in comparison with, compared with,
  contradicting on the contrary, contrary to
  adding moreover, in addition, furthermore,
what's more
  talking about purpose in order to. , so as to
  providing reasons owing to, due to, on account of,
because of, thanks to,
  explaining results consequently, as a result, therefore,
so, then, thus, hence
.  generalizing on the whole, in general,
broadly speaking, generally speaking,
by and large, to some extent
  giving more exact information namely, that is to say, that is,
in other words
  summing. up to sum up, in a word, in short, briefly,
in conclusion, finally, lastly, all in all,
to conclude, accordingly
how the word order is:
  in questions:
.how (adjective / adverb) auxiliary verb subject verb?
how could i meet him?
how far can people go in the name of research?
  in exclamations:
how adjective / adverb subject verb!
i know how nice he. really is.
he will receive a percentage based on how well they sell.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Sentence structure
Word order The word order in a sentence is usually as follows :
(time) subject verb object manner place time
(Last night) The chairman delivered his speech vehemently at the conference hall last night
Tip Parallel structures express ideas of equal importance and are used in a
Check that in those parallel structures the same grammatical structures
are used.
A secretary's duties include writing, typing, organizing and filing.
structures with
Parallel structures should be used after correlative conjunctions:
both... and... both... and... as well as ...
not only...but also... not... but...
either... or... neither... nor...
but and
The training course consists of both theory and practical instruction.
structures with
Parallel structures should be used with comparisons:
comparative... than
the same... as
similar... to
Renting those apartments costs about the same as leasing them.
Note :
After comparative structures, that (of) and those (of) are used instead of
repeating a noun.
The team's overall performance is better than that of any individual could
possibly be.
Cardinal numbers (one, two, three...) are used as follows:
 noun cardinal number
Proceed to gate four. Wait for me on platform 2.
Note :
Ordinal numbers come before cardinal numbers as follows:
the ordinal number cardinal number noun
He had trouble adjusting for the first two weeks.

Sentence structure, Suite
Ordinal numbers are formed as follows:
They are used as follows: the ordinal number noun
Take the third street on the left.
Note :
The order for dates is as follows:
the ordinal number of month (GB)
My birthday is the twenty-second of August.
month (the) ordinal number
Independence Day in the US is July (the) fourth.
Question tags A question tag is used:
at the end of the sentence
to encourage agreement or to verify a statement
Main clause Question tag
Subject positive verb
The salesmen performed really well,
negative auxiliary verb subject pronoun?
didn't they?
Subject negative verb
The manager won't succeed,
positive auxiliary verb subject pronoun?
will he?
Tip In the question tag, check that the pronoun refers to the subject of the
main clause.
Questions The word order in a question is as follows :
(Question word) auxiliary verb subject verb ...?
Where will they be living?
Do you speak Spanish ?
What and Who can be the subject of the verb. In that case, the verb is
conjugated as in a positive statement.
What may happen?
Who is coming to the seminar?
Sentence structure, Suite
Inversion Inversion is used in the following cases:
Case Inversion
Omission of if
auxiliary verb (were/had/should) subject verb
Were she my daughter (if she were...), I would tell her.
Had I known (if I had known...), I wouldn't have come.
Should you change your mind (if you change...), let me know.
Neither, nor, so
neither/nor/so auxiliary verb subject
I don't like aggressive ads. - Nor/neither do I. (= I don't either)
I really like jazz music. - So do I. (= I do also/too)
After negative
adverbial expressions
negative adverbial expression auxiliary verb subject
Under no circumstances can we leave the room.
Never had I felt like this.
Tip Make sure there is no inversion in indirect questions.
The pattern should be: main clause question word subject verb
I don't remember what her name is.
Conjunctions Conjunctions are :
used to join clauses together
used to show the relationship between the ideas in the clauses
followed by a subject and a verb
Cause/effect Place Condition Contrast Manner
in order
now that
so that
even if / though
in case
provided (that)
whether (or not)
even though
as if
as though
in that
Tip When you have two verbs in a sentence, it implies there are two clauses.
Then check there is either a semi-colon, a relative pronoun or a
conjunction that links those two clauses.

Sentence structure, Suite
No longer / no
No longer/not any longer are used with time
No more/not any more are used with time, quantity or degree
The no structures are used before the verb or after the verb "to be"
The not any structures are used at the end of the sentence
Example :
Mr. Jones doesn't work here any more/longer
He no longer fitted the job.
There's no more paper in the photocopier.
Linking regarding, as regards, as for
Contrasting on the one hand on the other hand,
however, nevertheless, (and) yet,
in comparison with, compared with,
Contradicting on the contrary, contrary to
Adding moreover, in addition, furthermore,
what's more
Talking about purpose in order to, so as to
Providing reasons owing to, due to, on account of,
because of, thanks to,
Explaining results consequently, as a result, therefore,
so, then, thus, hence
Generalizing on the whole, in general,
broadly speaking, generally speaking,
by and large, to some extent
Giving more exact information namely, that is to say, that is,
in other words
Summing up to sum up, in a word, in short, briefly,
in conclusion, finally, lastly, all in all,
to conclude, accordingly
How The word order is:
in questions:
How ( adjective/adverb) auxiliary verb subject verb?
How could I meet him?
How far can people go in the name of research?
in exclamations:
How adjective/adverb subject verb!
I know how nice he really is.
He will receive a percentage based on how well they sell.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Word Sentence structure order The word order in a sentence is usually as follows:
(time) subject verb object time manner place
(Last night), vehemently The chairman delivered his speech at the conference hall last night
Tip Parallel structures Express ideas of equal importance and are used in a series
Check parallel structures that those in the same grammatical structures are used
A secretary's duties include writing, typing, organizing and filing.

Parallel structures with

correlative conjunctions
Parallel structures should be used after correlative conjunctions:
both ... and ... both ... and ... as well as ...
not only ... but also ... not ... but ...
either ... or ... neither ... nor ... and

but The training course consists of both theory and practical instruction.


Parallel comparisons with structures structures should be used with comparisons: comparative ... than

     
as ... as ... the same as

Renting   similar ... to those apartments leasing costs about the same as them.
Note :
After comparative structures, that (of) and those (of) are used instead of repeating a noun
The team's overall performance is better than that of any individual could
possibly be. Cardinal

Cardinal numbers numbers (one, two, three ... ) are used as follows:

Proceed   noun cardinal number to Gate four. Wait for me on platform 2.
Note :
Ordinal numbers come before cardinal numbers as follows:
the ordinal number cardinal number noun
He had trouble adjusting for the first two weeks.

Ce Sentence structure, Suite Ordinal

numbersOrdinal numbers are formed as follows:

first second third

fourth fifth sixth

seventh eighth ninth

tenth eleventh twelfth

thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

twentieth twenty-first
twenty-fourth ...

thirtieth fortieth fiftieth

hundredth thousandth
They are used as follows: The ordinal number noun Take
the third street on the left.
order The for dates is as follows:
ordinal number of the month (GB)
My birthday is the twenty-second of August.
month (the) ordinal number in the
Independence Day US July is (the) fourth.
Question A question tags tag is used:
  at the end of the sentence
  agreement to encourage or to verify a statement

Subject Main clause Question tag positive verb
salesmen The performed really well,
negative auxiliary verb subject pronoun?
didn' T they?

Subject negative verb The manager won' T succeed,
positive auxiliary verb subject pronoun?
Tip In will he the question tag, check that the pronoun refers to the subject of the main clause
Questions The word order in a question is as follows:
(Question Word), auxiliary verb subject verb
... ?they will be living Where Do you?

speak Spanish? Who What and can be the subject of the verb. In that case, the verb is conjugated as
in a positive statement.

Who What may happen? is coming to the seminar?
Sentence structure, Suite
Inversion Inversion is used in the following cases: Case Inversion

if Omission of auxiliary verb (were/had/should) subject verb
she Were my daughter (if she were ... ), I would tell her.
Had I known (if I had known ... ), I wouldn' t have come.
Should you change your mind (if you change ... ), let me know.
Neither, nor, so
neither/nor/auxiliary verb subject
I so don' T like aggressive ads.- Nor/neither do I. (don' T = I either)
I really like jazz music. -So do I. (= I do also/too)
After negative adverbial expressions

negative adverbial expression subject auxiliary verb
Under no circumstances we can leave the room.
Never I had felt like this.
Tip Make sure there is no inversion in indirect questions.
The pattern should be: Main clause verb subject question word
I don' T remember what her name is.
Conjunctions Conjunctions are:
  used to join clauses together
  used to show the relationship between the ideas in the
  clauses followed by a subject and a verb
Cause/effect Place Condition Contrast Manner

because as

now in order that since

that so that wherever

where even if/though

if in case

once provided (that), providing

unless whether (or not)

although even though

though whereas while

as if as though

as in that
Tip When you have two verbs in a sentence, it implies there are two clauses.
Then check there is either a semi-colon, a relative pronoun or a conjunction that links those two clauses

Sentence structure, Suite
No longer/no more

  No longer/not any longer are used with time
  No more/not any more are used with time, quantity or degree
No   The structures are used before or after the verb The verb "To be"
  The any structures are not used at the end of the sentence
Example :
  Mr.Jones doesn 't work here any more/longer
  He no longer fitted the job.
  There's no more paper in the photocopier. markers

Discourse   Linking regarding, as regards, as for
  Contrasting   on the one hand on the other hand,
however,nevertheless, (and) yet,
in comparison with, compared with,

  Contradicting conversely on the contrary, contrary to
  Adding moreover, in addition, furthermore,

what's more   Talking about purpose in order to, so as to
  Providing reasons owing to, due to, on account of, because of
, thanks to,
  Explaining results consequently, as a result, therefore,
so, then, thus, hence
  Generalizing on the whole, in general,
broadly speaking, generally speaking,
by and large, to some extent
  Giving more exact information namely, that is to say, that is, in other words

  Summing up to sum up, in a word, in short, briefly,
In conclusion, finally, lastly, all in all,
to conclude, accordingly
How The word order is:
  in questions:
How (adjective/adverb) auxiliary verb subject verb?
How I could meet him?
How people can go far in the name of research?
  in exclamations:
How adjective/adverb verb subject!
I know how nice he really is.
He will receive a percentage based on how well they sell.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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