My ,brother, sister and educational school Lotus School. The ceremony or blessing His Majesty the King The Lord hath good health. Long Live The Age. > Name : Miss Chalalai Samranyart. > No. 22 Class : M 5/8 . [] OK []
My ,brother, sister andeducational school LotusSchool. The ceremony orblessing His Majesty theKing The Lord hath goodhealth. Long Live TheAge.> Name : Miss Chalalai Samranyart. > No. 22 Class : M 5/8 . [] OK []
My, Brother, Sister and Educational School Lotus School. The ceremony or Blessing His Majesty The King The Lord Hath good Health. Live long The Age. > Name: Miss Chalalai Samranyart. > No. 22 Class: M 5/8. [] OK []
,, My brother sister and educational school Lotus School. The ceremony or blessing His Majesty the King The Lord hath good health.? Long Live The Age. > Name: Miss Chalalai Samranyart. > No. 22 Class: M 5 / 8. [] OK [].