6. Optical Cross Connect (OXC)In comparison with the bus station, the OXC provincial cities as (when the road route in comparison to glass fiber), where passengers can change buses to travel to your destination has the structure of a rather complicated because the OXC is often related to the large communications network. Figure 9 shows the basic structure of a one-to-OXC in the characteristics of Planar light guide pipe (optical planar waveguide) with incoming light path (left) channel. When light travels through the middle of the curve and parallel to each other. The light will result to be tight. (Coupling) between the hoses to hose the one that you want, and then off to the destination. This is to be light-tight properties will depend on the length of the light guide pipe. Characteristic curve The term light pipe away until the refractive index of the medium in tubes and light base (substrate) which is designed for this model to work OXC as defined requires knowledge and skills very seriously. Called to design the OXC can succeed, PhD., but it's worthwhile because the device when finished. A structure that is easy, not complicated and there are small (a few centimeters). Figure 11 the structure of OXC7. Optical Demulplexer (DeMux)Principle of operation of Mux DeMux are the same as. The device is usually a Mux DeMux by. For example, a filter used in optical Mux system mentioned above, If separate single-use it to behave as DeMux celebrities.
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