3 pillars of ASEANThe integration makes us stronger, more versatile than a single country and parasols made of SA, but before reaching that mark, we need to pass 3. The main pillars of ASEAN -The social and political stability, ASEAN (ASEAN Political-Security Community–ASC)ASEAN is an important mechanism that enables Member countries to cooperate to prevent and deal with conflicts between each other, more especially transnational threats in various formats, including the establishment of a human rights mechanism. To promote the concept of democracy and human rights in the region. -AEC (ASEAN Economic Community-AEC)ASEAN is accelerating economic integration to create an ASEAN free trade area and the ASEAN investment area. To develop the ASEAN, which has a population of over 567 million people and abundant resources, market and production base, which is the only one within the year 2558 (2015) which will make ASEAN more attractive economic bargaining power and. -The ASEAN social and cultural community (ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community-ASCC)ASEAN is aiming to develop cooperation in science, education culture and public health. Energy, science and technology, social welfare, and the environment, as well as a aims to the public in the region recognize and understand each other more. There is a sense as part of the ASEAN community.In addition, ASEAN has also partnered with hands and other threats to the social problems that occur suddenly and the control over it alone, such as environmental problems, problems plague epidemic problems, etc.
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