1. should not exercise during which insulin are highly active and injected insulin into the body, to exercise and to prevent hypoglycemia should carry candy or sweet juices that come to eat when blood sugar is low. 2. should not exercise, while blood glucose exceeds 250 or less than 80 milligrams percent. 3. If the problem is high blood pressure, angina, or heart arrhythmias should consult a doctor before exercising. 4. should not exert or breath while exercising. 5. prohibit heavy levels of fitness if there is renal tract complications. Symptoms of abnormal nerve cell or just eye treatment6. patients with neurological complications, careful exercise that will be harmful to the feet, such as sport climb or Sprint. If walking on rough should wear proper shoes and careful exercise can cause higher blood pressure levels. 7. patients with kidney problems, careful adaptation to temperature and lack of water. You should also avoid any exercises that cause increased blood pressure.
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