Ball tour 2 people want to travel to the Temple in Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya. And need a guide to take them to. The ball was to telephone tours Guide, find the measure of the journey and not the guide therefore suggest WAT tha Rong check box. The ball, it's whether this temple tours highlight anything. The tour guide said, contain the Holy things of the temple is a sacred Buddha Ratana "or" called "Luang PHO to smile." Tour 1: Hello, Yes, the tour company Thailand land?The head Guide: YesBall tour 1: I would like to tour the provinces Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya WAT a Yes but don't know where to go.The head Guide: I recommend a check that is WAT tha Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya, which had to close.The staff ball tour: it's a Yes, then.Hey, I'm the head Guide: tell food map.Ball tour: YesThe head Guide: this temple is located at the highway 3469 ban Pom Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya district. Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya province. Our store.Tour 1: balls that I had asked for the weekend days.Guide: where food is certainly a day?Tour 1: I wish ball is Sunday, December 6 time 9.00 am food food.The head Guide: travel day!, I had.Tour 1: Yes, thank you ball.Yes, thank you, and the Guide's head: Yes, happy. At the last-minute Sunday, December 6 Guide: Hello, Yes, Yes, that strikes the ball?Ball tour 1: Yes, Yes,Candy Tour 2: Yes, Yes,Guide: now I will recommend the place and the history of the temple, they had to listen to you.Ball tour 1: YesCandy Tour 2: Yes, Yes,Guide: hot Yes.?.?Candy Tour 2: Yes, a littleGuide: Temple, in.Candy Tour 2: Oho! Those are beautiful!Yes, in this guide: Yes, there are Temple. Phra Buddha Ratana mongkol called Luang PHO to smile with a lot to offer. Luang Pho, I smiled.Ball tour 2: YesTour 1: Yes, children today thanks to the guide had come room suggest places to us.Ball tour 1: thank youGuide: Yes, happy costume Home don't forget to run the company, tour Thailand, another had land-thank you.
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