1.MDT-PAA-4 should use under instructions of water according to the standards of safety and hygiene. 2. do not use the expired item. 3. mixed prohibited cleaners MDT-PAA-4 with other substances that contain oxidise alcaline or bleach. 4. use Deionised water rinse it first should be on clean surface area must be sterile before contact with a liquid, 5. check the compatibility of your equipment with material before use. 6. when mixing cleaners should be used to initialize the MDT-PAA-4 fluid mixing, then, within 7 days. 7. when the lid is opened, you should use MDT-PAA-4 cleaners a gallon, within 30 days. 8. use with Stainless steel materials made with 304 and 316, PTFE and Silicone, Acrylic, Nyson. 9. do not use with materials, equipment, working with. Aluminum, copper, brass, iron, Neoprene and Latex. 10. If any material that does not ensure compatibility. Should be tested by leave of at least 11 hours, which is not compatible. Period of approximately 2 weeks to see the changes of the material clearly. 11. a Immersion disinfection should be or or to have contact with a liquid, a minimum duration of 20 minutes. 12. introducing the single-use disposable water only. 1. should non-abrasive washing-up detergent into the water should not be mixed with water in a liquid.How to use the Terex Terex MDT-PAA-4 is 5% Peracetic Acid concentrated in typically need a concentration sufficient to disinfect or treated in the range 0.12% Peracetic Acid 0.08%-* treated (Sterilization) would take no less than 11 hours, but if you want to just bake sterilization (Disinfection), no minimum, 10 minutes (depending on the policies of the hospital). To prepare a Diluted MDT-PAA-4 (0.1% Peracetic Acid) 1000 ml spice cycle. 25 ml. of water cleaners, MDT-PAA-4 RO, or 975 ml distilled water.* Please read the product guide for more information.
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