All respondents' libraries housed their technical services in an open plan office environment where many employees occupied
a. Single room often separated, by cubicles with only, a few employees working in enclosed private offices. As shown in the. Survey
most, of the enclosed private offices in technical services were devoted to managers; it was very rare for a non-managerial. Staff to
.Have an enclosed private office. In contrast, to reality it was the wish of most respondents to have enclosed private, offices. The
arguments for enclosed private offices by respondents revolved mostly around the necessity for privacy (due to private. Evaluation
of staff and private communication with supervisors staff and, vendors) and the necessity for noise control and. Distraction control
.(due to focus work). However due to, the high costs of enclosed private offices and the lack of space to, build them it. Is unrealistic
to expect libraries to provide private enclosed offices for every employee in technical services. It is likely. That most libraries
considering private enclosed offices have to do a cost - benefit analysis to justify the extra, costs. The assumption that enclosed
.Private offices provide more privacy and noise control than cubicles is not always true. "Within an open, plan environment. The
types of workspace partitions used may have an effect on communication and privacy. Dry, wall offices even with the. Door closed
only, achieve 75% acoustical privacy compared to 8 ft x 8 ft open plan offices (with 60 - inch high acoustical. Panels, the acoustical
.Ceiling tiles and sound masking) which achieve 93% acoustical privacy ", (Knoll 2008). Further studies are needed for these
questions:? Are private enclosed offices for non-managerial staff in technical services worth the substantial extra costs? How to
best. Support, focus work communication collaboration and, productivity in an open office environment in technical services?
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