นำค่าของทั้งสองเดือนมารวมกันแล้วหาค่าเฉลี่ยความคล้ายคลึงกัน ผลที่ได้คือ Leguminosae = 0.418 , Fagacea = 0.607 Family between =0.457 แสดงว่า ไม่มีความแตกต่างกันของแต่ละ family
Taking the two months together, the average affinity. As a result, Fagacea = 0.607 Leguminosae = 0.418 Family between = 0.457 is different for each family.
The value of the two months combined to average similar result was Leguminosae = 0.418, Fagacea = 0.607 Family between = 0.457 shows that no differences of each family.
The value of two months to gather the average similarity. The result is Leguminosae =, = 0.418 Fagacea 0.607 Family between. = 0.457 shows that there is difference of each family.