To understand the subject in international business law (the Legal Aspect of International Business or International Business Transactions), you must understand that the international business mean? International business that there is no legal definition is defined directly. So, to summarize, therefore, must be considered by the differentiated from the word "business" and the word "international", "business" (Business), means of production and distribution services, or in other words, it means to the industry. The Commerce and service industries, including the production of goods, and such things as car production, machinery manufacturing, which once produced, it has to be sold. To sell to the buyers and users of a potential trade or Commerce. When the buyer or the purchase or use of the user and then it may be necessary to the. Repairs, etc. as well as the service. In addition, the service also includes the transport. Commerce insurance services, and professional services. The section "international" is a term understood generally that means there must be more than one country, the country. Which must have crossed the country. This means that countries state that there must be certainty in the territory (Territory) People (People), the Government (the Government) and independence (Independence). Therefore, international business, it is likely to mean more than the business activity, as above, regardless of whether it is in the production activity. Distribution and cross-border services from one country to another, one country.The international business will have more complex business within the country. Because they are related to someone who is by distance. Apart by political borders. With the language, culture and laws are different and must be associated with the country. The Government of the relevant country. Legal system of the business partners and the third country or international law, such as international trade. With the relevant countries is the country of the seller and the seller's country. The buyer, the seller, often in different countries, and will have to deliver the desired international phanphromdaen. International business law (Business Law or International Legal Aspects of International Business Transactions), it is the law that relates to cross-border business between the countries, trading, transport, trade, investment, finance. Loans and technology transfer between countries.International business law is a law that is broad and covers many branches of law, branches, are derived from the laws of business partners. International law Operating the trade usages.Internal law, including the laws of the relevant countries, such as in the case of international trade, including: The law of the country of the exporter and importer in the country. Depending on the relationship and are involved in style.International law, including international agreements to which the country partner or partners, an investment was made an agreement. This agreement may not be possible, as well as an agreement between two States, State baebotwiphakhi are relevant as a multilateral agreement in which the State is a party, there are several. Baebotwiphakhi the agreement an agreement for trade cooperation (Trad Agreement) agreement to waive waiting (for Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement). An agreement on protection of investments (Investment Treaty), a multilateral agreement, the Convention on the Elimination of: air freight. Convention concerning the land transportation agreement regarding tariff, customs and trade at the General Agreement on Tariff and are called Trade or GATT, which the current domain, bayo said lifting the status of international organization under the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization.ประเพณีปฏิบัติทางการค้า ได้แก่ การที่ได้มีการปฏิบัติจนได้รับการยอมรับกัน ซึ่งลักษณะนี้จะมีปรากฏในเรื่องของการค้าระหว่างประเทศ เช่น ข้อตกลงเกี่ยวกับการตีความศัพท์ทางการค้า ที่รู้จักกันในนามของ Incoterms 1990 ประเพณีปฏิบัติทางการค้านับว่าเป็นที่มาของกฎหมายธุรกิจระหว่างประเทศที่สำคัญ โดยเฉพาะกฎหมายการค้าหรือพาณิชย์ระหว่างประเทศได้วิวัฒนาการมาจากประเพณีปฏิบัติทางการค้าทางเรือสมัยก่อน ดังเช่นหลักในเรื่องของสัญญา CIF สัญญา FOB ซึ่งได้วิวัฒนาการมาจากประเพณีปฏิบัติทางการค้า นอกจากนี้ประเพณีการเดินเรือก็ได้ก่อให้เกิดหลักในเรื่องของการขนส่งทางทะเล การประกันภัยทางทะเล เป็นต้นIn summary, the international business law is the law relating to international business or international cross-border business. The characteristics and laws of international business law at the three main source is coming from foreign exporters for investment goods or services from the country of the recipient of the goods or services and investment agreement and international practices traditions ..... Read more at:
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