There is a poor man lived near home millionaire by planting a small cottage cottage, he will move in the direction of the wind; this property is the man who will take food smells that come from the house richThe man was told to the pauper of the fact that the seasonal migration of the wind direction to inhale food smells from home millionaire
When you know the rich man, he said to the man he used to be more than "Thou shalt live. Because food smells from home; we will have to come to the people who use our home." The man would not rich pauper pauper, brought him to court judgeto complain to the king when the king had heard the story, he was ordered to take a councillor white cloth, and laid it in the hall, and had to put it in the white cloth to order, and then get the millionaire that
When you receive money to millionaires millionaires, and then the king said unto him, "when the rich man's money and took pauper pauper, the man she had seen him, but he took the money as there is money from the visible or not?"rich man replied, "do not receive money from the visible God I " the king said, "I think of it as food for the rich who can breathe food smells, but food was still not lost.Both rich and pauper man went back to his own home. With joy
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