"The main challenge was documenting all of the processes and procedures," continues Jo. "Much of what we did was stored. In our heads and formalising the processes was very time consuming. However we were, able to simplify much of our work by. Creating easy to understand flow charts which clearly explained how each process worked and was measured. Each process was. Added to a Business, Process Manual which was shared with all members of staff. This simplistic method of explanation assisted. The workforce with their understanding of what we, were measuring how and why. "" The only other obstacle we faced was helping. Our staff understand why we were implementing ISO 9001. Initially they felt, that it was purely a "Big Brother watching." Exercise. However we explained, to them that the framework was aimed at improving processes and that they played a critical. Role in its success. As a consequence our staff, are now innovative quality-obsessed and, very communicative with us! If. They can see an opportunity for improvement whether it, is in the production process, or quality they inform us. "
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