1. the rules of issue 22 (2556 (2013)) issued by the factory Act 2535 (1992)2. the rules of standards in management and operations, security. Occupational health and working environment on fire prevention and suspension 2555 (2012) 3. prakasok of labour protection and welfare Re: defining a report on fire drills and fire evacuation drills.4. prakasok of labour protection and welfare issues Standard portable fire extinguisher. 5. the Ministry's industrial forklift that liquid petroleum gas used as fuel 2545 (2002) 6. rules of assignment criteria How about terms and conditions Licensing and fees involved in assembling the fuel ...ึ 7. Ministry Interior 8. the Act sends soem energy conservation9. determine the weight that the employer, employees work.10. subject to the guidelines, training, security officer.11. list of related laws and regulations
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