In the year B.E.2558 people from other countries in ASEAN countries, we will be able to find a job to apply for jobs, or to take our work to do because it is in accordance with professional standards in ASEAN is it that English is an important standard in which will lead to the schoolTherefore, Thai people, so everyone will have to learn and remember, and use English, not to be defeated by the people of other nations in Asean countries if it is at least it will be a chance to work in the protection of our country, to a friend of our work to ASEAN countries to compete.No other nation, no need to talk about it, we will go to compete for work in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. , has the skills of professional quality, but always in the back of deficiency in English, it is a vulnerability that will be an opportunity to do that.Even if you find a job in Thailand, it will be more difficult
it's time for the people of Thailand will need to develop their own learning, can be used in English, to the ASEAN community living in a complete at this day.
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