Joint Committee considered that, after the Conference has acknowledged that the company universal told the company whether limited General company universal limited, has filed a request for rehabilitation. Court and the Court has dissolved the tree command is request, which prevented payment of the outstanding debt, with the company until the Court has ordered, a rehabilitation plan.You reserve the company says universal General co., Ltd. continues to confirm that the company will remain with the company on behalf of our metal day threshold unchanged.By metal day threshold limit increase request wishes to buy one item is 15 million baht. More from the original CD-DL limitAfter the Committee know wishes therefore has asked for documents such as financial statements, business plan, sales plan, and others from the company metal day threshold to make for consideration.After you have determined that the company metal day threshold credit to buy goods. The Committee agreed with the company's metal core must be limited to day thonpha guarantee equal to the amount requested.Resolutions of the meeting.I'd guarantee securities equal to the amount requested.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..