10 best-selling foods dangerous
Hamburger seasoning substances mainly include MSG (Monosodium Gutamate) that cause headache and allergic reaction occurred. Best Burger's condiments such as pepper, cabbage, tomato, salt, pure chemical carcinogen based on sulfur. To control the freshness of vegetables
Hotdok often include substances that nitrite is a substance that causes cancer. There is also a fatty compounds revealed no Yu, about 40 percent will be grilled when toxic acrylic name mild.
Braised or fried potato FRY Deep-fried in high temperature acrylic additives and fuel mileage for the guava cake to oxidize. There are potatoes and glee is a very dynamic high c. That is, eat potato chips made with the chocolate cake with sugar tachin quite grown up
. Chocolate cookies, chocolate cookies, eating frequently will increase appetite, sugar in the body within 3 hours, which the body is Brown on the quantity that is too high will result in a withered skin crinkles and wrinkles faster
. Pizza, pizza face, high temperature acrylic compounds may be miles. In addition, add the sausage page, there is a high risk from substances Chennai trai. Preservatives and other chemicals, as well as saturated fats
. Carbonated water in soft drinks, canned 1 non-sugar power is approximately 12 teaspoons. Therefore, eating canned soft drinks, 1 chocolate bar liquid sugar is equal to good eats here.
. Pieces of fried chicken, meat, soft stings the bone. Contains phosphate additives that make the body acid occurred. As a result, the body burns fat more difficult. There may also be aluminum compounds which are toxic substances that are harmful to the brain and the body's metabolism process
. Ice cream contains hydro fat fatty and g vary from nature and quantity, is cholesterol the body increases. In addition, hormone injection to increase milk production in cows also resulted in tumor. Breast cancer and ovary
Doughnut doughnut, there are more than 1 piece of carbohydrates in the body, and there is plenty of salt and sodium in your body, which can cause dehydration. In addition, fried in oil with high temperature have smell huen. A light snack Eat a snack bag 1 RMB, a church service, more than 500 times high mild compared to the maximum rate allowed in drinking water. In addition, there are also snack on saturated fats, salt and sodium are extremely high
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