sage Nicholas Vedder, saints saints saints that is Yours Sincerely, the inhabitants of the Holland sponsors of children when one group migrated to the people of Holland, in the United States, it is also maintain traditions of All Saints' day in the Nicobar Islands, December 5.And now, children's gifts, and other people that are not of the children of migrants who came to Holland this tradition began as a well known and widely used in North America, there are some changes is the name Santa Claus sage Nicholas Vedder, Santa Cruz is a change to theliving in the north pole with a slide is a vehicle that has a reindeer farm and drag it came to visit every child in the world in this opportunity by Christmas, down through the chimney of the house to take the gift, and those children in accordance with the conduct of his
Although Santa Cruz, along with it is the only legend that happened to celebrate Christmas day, but it was a symbol, as well as the spirit and meaning of Christmas, it is much more, such as the delighted admiration of generous love,
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