If the Control Board to consider building local legislation it is not completed within the time specified by the third paragraph, that.Building Control Committee has responsibility in local legislation and then giving the local government and the public to propose dividend.The following steps If no public dividend. Within thirty days from the date of receipt of the local legislation, then, that the Minister has approved in accordance with paragraph two.10 section 10 bis in cases where the Minister, by the recommendations of the Board of Directors controls the building of local legislation which deems that.Issued in accordance with article 10 (1) or the regulations issued under section 8, or local provisions issued under section 10 (2)Site terms, or frustration, for the public than necessary, or pose a danger to health. Life, the body or?The property of the citizens, the Minister has the power, let the local government then proceed to cancel or amend local legislation.Such a new waste.In the case of paragraph one, the local Government completed within one hundred and twenty days from the date of receiving notification.The Minister said setting a date means the date of the meeting in modern local government, then.To cancel or modify the local legislation under paragraph one will not affect actions already taken.Compliance provisions.Section 11 local ordinances issued under section 9 or section 10 when published in the Gazette.Forcing.Section 12 regulations issued under section 8, or local provisions issued under section 9 or section 10, if a polished or?The urban planning law, will be governed by the law on urban planning.Section 13, in appropriate circumstances, prohibit the construction, modification, decommissioning, move, and use the or to change the use of any type of building.Or any category in any one area, but there is no local legislation or regulations schedule pursuant to section 8 (10),The Minister, by the instructions of the Director-General of public works and urban planning or local officer, as the case may be, is authorized and published in the UK from kitcha.Nubeksa prohibiting the construction, modification, decommissioning, move, and use or change of use of buildings in the area as a temporary and ชัว่,Carry out ministerial or local legislation within one year from the date of announcement, then apply.If no local legislation or regulations within the time specified under paragraph one. Such a declaration shall be provided.Canceled.11 section 13 bis for the sake of convenience for the public, which will need to be performed under this Act.(1.), government agencies, and other agencies that have the authority by law to inform the other prohibition or restriction information.Another, related to the construction, modification, decommissioning, or move the building or take some other action under this Act,Local government related to follow (2)(2), the local Government has organized the document, published criteria. The methods and conditions in the permit, andAuthorization to perform operations under this Act, as well as information that has already been notified by (1) are sold or provided to the public, which.Will need to be performed under this Act.(3 local staff) to tell the warning set out in a permit that has been issued under this Act that the person receiving.This Act permits still are obliged to obtain permission regarding the building of the law elsewhere in the relevant section.(4. local government) may provide different building plan and correctly according to the provisions of.This Act. Regulations and local ordinances or issued under this Act are sold, or provided to the public.11, section 13, if a Bachelor, which must comply with this Act, there is no doubt about the.(1.) determines the range or level between terminals or other people's land or between buildings.The pedestrian alleys, or public or?(2.) areas is prohibited construction, modification, decommissioning, move, and use the or to change the use of any type of building.Or any category.They have the right to discuss with local officials to do a book, and gives local officials discuss response.Thirty days from the date of receipt of the book, but if local officials deem it is necessary to consult a board control.Before building or any other reason, extend the deadline to no longer than two to time. No more than thirty days.In the case that the consultation in accordance with paragraph one of construction, modification, decommissioning, or moving the building, as.The consultation of the local staff. If, subsequently, it appears that local officials to discuss the response by error a cause.Reconsidering such actions to be properly according to the provisions of this Act. Local legislation or regulations issuedThis Act or other relevant legislation They do not want to receive penalty.
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