Official name.Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)LocationLocated on the East side of the South East Asian region in the North, adjacent to the West adjacent to Laos, China Southwest, adjacent to Cambodia. In the East, adjacent to the South China Sea and the Gulf of tangkia, next to the Gulf of Thailand South.Area.331690 square kilometers (about 3 in 5 areas of Thailand).Capital city.Hanoi (Hanoi)The population.89.57 million (2553 (2010))The national religion.Buddhism (Mahayana). There are a number of the most esteemed leaders (9.3 per cent).National day September 2The date is a member of ASEAN. 2538 (1995) July 28The national language.Language in Viet NamBureaucratic language. Language in Viet NamNational flowers.Lotus (Lotus) or the so called "designed for dawn flower".
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