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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
But, look
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
But, look
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Rolling his eyes inwardly he clasped, hands and bowed deeply to Li Ling ", er a solemn expression on his face as if, he couldn t." Hold back from expressing his condolences to her."Ling ", er I apologize. It doesn" t matter if you have a new position I still, can "t take you as a wife. I", m already married. And you and I just don "t suit each other. I wish you all, the best and hope that you can someday find your own happiness. " Meng Hao sighed and his, eyes shone with an expression of condolence.As soon as Li Ling "er heard, his words she trembled. "Shut the, hell UP Meng Hao!!"Glaring at him she gritted, her teeth and stamped her foot. With that she ignored, Meng Hao and followed the white-robed. Woman off into the distance.After, they disappeared sighs of relief could be heard coming from the mouths of both the parrot and the meat jelly."Now THAT was scary!" Lord Fifth exclaimed. "So the old, Demongranny has gotten some of her memories back!" It patted. Its chest with, its wing as if it had just survived some harrowing experience."Thankfully it seems, that she only got some of her memories back not a, lot," the parrot murmured. "Otherwise she wouldn, t. " Have just looked annoyed when she saw me. She would have plucked me and roasted me for dinner. "It seemed truly surprised. To still be alive.The meat jelly let out a, long sigh after which its face lit up with excitement and it said, "How was my acting!? Hahaha!! Meng, you Hao and, old, you pigeon tell the truth. Was Lord Third "s acting good, or not huh? Good or not!?"Hahaha! Hey I almost, forgot that we had a bet! Lord Third wins! Lord Third "s acting ability is incredible! However it,, Seems a bit wrong and immoral. Pidgeon Fifth don ", t you agree? "Now that the meat jelly was speaking it blabbered on apparently,,, Having held its tongue for far too long earlier and was now looking to make up for it."Your acting is worth a fart!" said, the Parrot smacking the meat jelly. "You almost gave it all away! You said way too. Much! Next time remember than, when you talk to, the Demongranny you should only say one word! "Meng Hao stared at the meat jelly in shock. The meat jelly had now reverted to behaving like it always had in, the past. And from their dialogue just now it seemed, that it and the parrot had been betting with each other about something.Meng Hao felt a headache coming on and wasn ", t sure what to say to the two ninnies.However he couldn ", t forget the" Lightning Emperor "that the white-robed woman had mentioned. He looked thoughtfully over. At the meat jelly but didn ", t ask any further questions. On many occasions in, the past he had tried to pry out information. About, their past but to no avail. He had gotten used to that. Finally he sent, out his divine will causing the, black beetles. To speed forward.Several hours later Meng Hao, along with, the five hundred or so, black beetles and the incessantly bickering parrot and. Meat jelly all emerged, from the Ruins of Immortality. They hovered in the starry sky and out, in front of them was the. Ninth Sea.Thinking about everything that had happened recently Meng Hao, turned back to look through the Ruins of Immortality in. The direction of Planet East Victory. His eyes then gleamed with determination as he turned and headed toward the Ninth. Sea atop his black beetle."The Nine Seas God World will most likely finally give me all the rewards I earned during the Three Great Daoist Societies. " Trial by fire. "A thoughtful expression appeared in his eyes as he mused about it. The Three Great Daoist Societies had. All agreed to accept him as a disciple because of his being in the Echelon and had, also expressed the intention of giving. Him some good fortune.He also knew that he wouldn "t be spending a lot of time in the Nine Seas God World. After picking up his prizes he would,, Practice cultivation for, a bit and then head to the other two Great Daoist Societies."The good fortune they will provide me is most likely something to help me get to the Ancient Realm as quickly as possible!" His eyes glittered. According to what the white-robed Paragon had said it wouldn ", t be until he stepped into the Ancient. Realm as a member of the Echelon that he would figure into her plans.As for the Ancient Realm he had, his own path to tread."Absorb the Nirvana Fruits!" he thought with a frown. After leaving Planet, East Victory he had tried to absorb the Nirvana. Fruits on multiple occasions. However he couldn ", t permanently fuse with any of them not even, his own Nirvana Fruits.Actually not even, Fang Wei had been able to stay fused with his Nirvana Fruits for very long. That was something he had. Been able to sense during their battle.Meng Hao maintained his silence as he got closer to the Ninth Sea. Occasionally he would pass, traveling cultivators but. When they saw him and his five hundred black beetles they would, fear.
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