1.3 diseases caused by smoking. Smoking causes the importance of disease that threaten the life world population at least 25 disease, these diseases can be prevented. Or can reduce the severity down by giving up smoking.But the incidence of disease and death rate from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer is gradually increased, these chronic diseases have a close relationship with smoking. The World Health Organization has stated that 1 in 3.Besides rooms will affect the health of the smoke directly. Cigarette smoke also affects to the closer to inhaled cigarette smoke. Serious illness caused by smoking, such as
.1), cardiovascular disease, usually a person's heart beats about 60-80 times per minute. When a smoker to nicotine and carbon monoxide will cause a change in the path of blood.The blood vessels throughout the body to narrow down. As a result, blood feast heart not enough heart. Lack of oxygen. What the heart failure of acute and if born with blood vessels to the brain will apply to Alzheimer's disease. Led to a am phruek paralysis.5 times, and it is estimated that the rooms is the leading cause of death from heart disease in the acute and 80 ผู้สูบบุหรี่ aged just below the 50 years
.2) lung cancer lung cancer cancer found that the 2 in Thai men. And found that patients with lung cancer man with a smoking history of 94 average occurrence of lung cancer in the early stage.Symptoms are cough blood, weight reduction, dyspnea, pain, rib and clavicle pain spine from cancer spread to the bone, swelling of the face. The neck and upper chest, arm due to tumor blood vessels Da press big swallow Alabama, etc.6 month and 80 percent will die within 1 years. If smokers to stop smoking before the changes of lungs permanently in the risk of occurrence of lung cancer can decrease.Smoking cigarettes per day have the opportunity 1-14 risk died from lung cancer. More than those who did not smoke 8 only and if smoking more than 25 cigarettes per day. The risk to death than non-smokers to 25 imaginable.Although the patients will be well maintained. The survival rate 5 years only the percentage 15 as
.3), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Chronic Obstructive Pullmonary Disease) causes 5 of the world. Bronchial obstructive pulmonary disease changed to narrow down from inhalation of toxic chemicals such as smoke or have the inflammation spread further widened.90 caused by smoking, which have a history of smoking since 20 years mostly and แก้ไขกลับคืน hard sumalee honor boonsri Said that although smoking will cause the're most of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Those who don't smoke or give up smoking for a long time, it may collapse from this disease as well กั้นเรื้อรัง obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic respiratory group consists of bronchitis and emphysema.Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiratory disease caused by toxins in cigarette smoke. Apply the tissues lining the inside of the respiratory tract. The alveoli and lung irritation chronic. The mucous builds very apply patient cough.Bronchial constriction, apply to exert more breathing. Which patients will receive the misery. While the lung alveoli alveolar wall inflammation, swelling. Fragile broken tear come together in a large air sacs but could not.The symptoms of dyspnea easy. In as much as the patient is unable to work, walk, or a member of the daily life jawan normally because จะเหนื่อยมาก. To get oxygen help all the time. But the oxygen have to caution.If the patient brings very tired. Need to use the respirator
.1.4 oral diseases. The result indicated that the Smoking is one of the risk factors associated with the occurrence of periodontal disease. Chemicals in the smoke to the periodontal disease and oral surgery cure wound down. Smokers have ingrained that dental plaqueHave bad breath, yellow teeth, gingival recession in the neck are irritated prevalence in periodontal disease in smokers than non-smokers 2 imaginable. And if the pumping volume. The risk of periodontal disease is higher.20 years often cancer to the lining of the mouth. Because smoke into the brush strokes blood sent to nourish the lining of the mouth. Apply to taste of food change, have dry mouth, pain in the jaw, apply to swallow food and say goodbye difficulty
.1.5 impact other
.1) cigarette smoke in the environment. When people smoking. Cigarette smoke is sprayed or floating in the atmosphere, which was higher than the smoke inhaled into the smoker.This must be in place with cigarette smoke in large quantities for a long time. Have the opportunity of lung cancer and other serious diseases, especially children living with parents or close to that smoking will get toxins from cigarette smoke to 1 in 3.Apply to the child the symptoms of respiratory disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma is likely to increase as the 2 imaginable. If children get cigarette smoke in large quantities in the range.
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