ฉันรักแปล1. Introduction
Cookies are widely consumed in the world with their eating
convenience and long shelf life (Agama-Acevedo, Islas-Hernandez,
Pacheco-Vargas, Osorio-Diaz, & Bello-Perez, 2012). The major ingredients in cookies include flour, sugar, and fat. A variety of minor
ingredients have also been suggested to improve the physical
properties and eating qualities (Pareyt & Delcour, 2008). Over the
years, a number of studies have been reported to improve nutritive
values of cookies by incorporating soy protein and fiber (Shrestha &
Noomhorm, 2002), navy bean, sesame seed (Hoojjat & Zabik, 1984),
chickpea, lentil (Zucco, Borsuk, & Arntfield, 2011), barley (Gupta,
Bawa, & Abu-Ghannam, 2011), and corn fiber (Artz, Warren,
Mohring, & Villota, 1990).
Rice is one of the important crops served as a staple food
worldwide. Compared to white rice, brown rice contains various
health-promoting components such as dietary fiber, phytic acid,
vitamins, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and gamma-oryzanol.
Although brown rice has a high nutritive value, it is not widely
consumed as a staple food due to its poor cooking and textural
properties. Germinated brown rice (GBR) has been consumed as an
alternative in Japan and Korea because it has improved eating
quality and health-promoting function compared to native brown
rice. Germination can be carried out simply by steeping the grains
in water and then allowing them to bud (Komatsuzaki et al., 2007).
During germination, a variety of the residual hydrolytic enzymes
become activated and thus the degradation of the constituents such
as starch, fiber, and proteins occurs. This enzymatic degradation
improves organoleptic qualities of the grains mainly by softening
the cooking texture (Tian, Nakamura, & Kayahara, 2004). In addition, the enzymatic activation may lead to synthesis of new
bioactive compounds such as GABA. It has been also reported that,
compared to native brown rice, GBR contains more fibers, vitamins,
minerals, ferulic acid, and gamma-oryzanol (Tian et al., 2004).
Therefore the utilization of GBR as an ingredient in bakery products
such as cookies is one of the approaches to improve their nutritive
and bioactive qualities.
Heat-moisture treatment is one of the thermal treatments for
cereals and starch which has been used to change their inherent
structure and subsequently the physical properties for utilization.
Heat-moisture treatment usually involves incubating cereal flours
or starch granules at a low moisture level (usually less than 35%)
with a mild heating at a temperature below gelatinization temperature (Jacobs & Delcour, 1998). Numerous studies on the heat-
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Ek is lief vertaling 1. Inleiding
koekies word wyd verbruik in die wêreld met hul eetgewoontes
gemak en lang raklewe (Agama-Acevedo, Islas-Hernandez,
Pacheco-Vargas, Osorio-Diaz, & Bello-Peres, 2012). Die Groot bestanddele in. koekies sluit FL ons, suiker en vet. 'n verskeidenheid van Klein
bestanddele ook voorgestel om die verbetering van die fisiese
eienskappe en eet eienskappe (Pareyt & Delcour, 2008). Oor Die
jaar, 'n aantal studies is aangemeld Kunsmatige te verbeter
waardes van. koekies deur die inlywing van soja proteïen en fi BEO (Shrestha &
Noomhorm, in 2002), Navy Bean, Sesame Saad (Hoojjat & Zabik, in 1984),
kikkererwten, Lentil (Zucco, Borsuk, & Arnt fi ELD, 2 011), Gars (Gupta,
Bawa, & Abu. -Ghannam, 2 011), en Corn fi BEO (Artz, Warren,
Mohring, & Villota, 1990).
Rice is een van die belangrike gewasse gedien as 'n stapelvoedsel
wêreldwyd. In vergelyking met wit rys, Brown rys bevat Verskeie
gesondheidsbevorderende komponente Sulke. As dieet fi BEO, phytic suur,
vitamiene, Gamma-amino suur (GABA), en Gamma-Oryzanol.
Hoewel Brown Rice het 'n hoë voedingswaarde, is dit nie wyd
verbruik as 'n stapelvoedsel te danke aan sy arm Kook en teksturele
eienskappe. onkiem het. Brown Rice (GBR) ingeneem is As 'n
alternatief in Japan en Korea Omdat dit verbeter eet
Kwaliteit en gesondheidsbevorderende funksie vergelyking met inheemse Brown
Rice. Ontkieming Kan uitgevoer word eenvoudig deur laat week Die Graan
in Water en dan toe te laat om hulle te Bud. (Komatsuzaki et al., in 2007).
Gedurende ontkieming, 'n verskeidenheid van die oorblywende hidrolitiese ensieme
Word geaktiveer en dus die agteruitgang van die bestanddele Sulke
as stysel, fi BEO, en Proteïene plaasvind. Dit Enzymatic agteruitgang
verbeter organoleptiese eienskappe van die korrels hoofsaaklik deur Versagting.
Die Kook tekstuur (Tian, Nakamura, & Kayahara, 2004). Daarbenewens kan die Enzymatic Aktivering Lei tot sintese van nuwe
Bio-aktieve verbindings soos GABA. Dit is ook berig dat,
in vergelyking met inheemse Brown Rice, GBR Bevat meer fi Bers ,. vitamiene,
minerale, ferulic suur, en Gamma-Oryzanol (Tian et al., twee duisend vier).
Daarom is die benutting van GBR as 'n bestanddeel in Bakery produkte
soos koekies is een van die benaderings hul Kunsmatige te verbeter
en Bio-aktieve kwaliteite.
Heat-vog. Behandeling is een van die Thermal Behandelings vir
Grane en Stysel wat gebruik is om hul inherente te verander
struktuur en gevolglik die fisiese eienskappe vir gebruik.
Heat-Moisture Behandeling behels gewoonlik broei graan FL s'n
of Styselgranules op 'n Lae voggehalte (gewoonlik minder as 35. %)
met 'n ligte verhitting by 'n temperatuur onder gelatinisasie Temperatuur (Jacobs & Delcour, die 1998). Verskeie studies oor die hitte.
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