In the globalization era Using Mobile Phones Also affectionately known "Mobile"
, a communication device known as a widely popular. And easy access to the modern world. It is subject to debate, not least in terms of health problems. As the use of mobile phones to touch the head and ears attached. To hear And speaking into the microphone The conversation continued for a long time. Users will feel the heat generated. The principle of the microwave signal is applied to a mobile phone. Also triggered concerns over heat and energy. Mobile phone usage in the last 5-6 years, to communicate by talking. But today, many technologies are incorporated into mobile phones. For convenience and functionality Whether the Internet via mobile phones to take pictures of documents. As well as watching television, watch movies, listen to music, play games, these technologies allow users to see the screen more mobile and is of interest to teens more were randomly assigned to a rate comparison between students. - Student And Guest
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