Tilak, I apologize that makes you queasy. I'm not going to annoy or tease you khruan! I ask each to coat with me back home, don't! I get that she is. I love her very much and do not want to hear the words that she told me. What should I How well do yourself back, get it, TANU difficult where there is no woman wanted to mus that saw her husband to someone but I have yet to fuel that she is good for me. I'm willing to give you the pain with pleasure. If you are still not satisfied, I wanted to have fun, whether you use a car to get you three silk, but, do you think I have to wait for you to date. Love you the same. Request a แคร่อย่า callback that woman! I get no. It was very big for me rueang. I come back to you from the House I love you you are supporting moves to another ro. You need to change yourself? You say he doesn't want to hurt me, but it hurt my back since you quit. I believe you still love me the same, but I have yet to use a Tong-love you, love you so much, I say to you, mustafa did not know at all, you have to write rueang read. Thank you for all the love you my
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