Thai language name, FloridaThe English name, State of FloridaShort name, State, Fla., FL,Official language is English.The State capital city. TallahasseeLargest city JacksonvilleMost large metropolitan {{{LargestMetro}}}County 67Residents {{{Demonym}}}Statistical dataArea rank 22• All 65795 [1] square miles.170304 [1] sq. km.• Width: {{{WidthUS}}} miles ({{{Width}}} km)• Length: {{{LengthUS}}} miles ({{{Length}}} km)•% Ground water 17.9• Latitude {{{Latitude}}}• Longitude {{{Longitude}}}Population rank 4• All 15982378 [2] people.• 309 density/sq. mile (117.3/sq km)Rank 8• The average income {{{MedianHouseholdIncome}}} (a rate that {{{IncomeRank}}})Geography • The maximum point, {{{HighestPoint}}}{{{HighestElevUS}}} feet ({{{HighestElev}}} m)• The average height {{{MeanElevUS}}} feet ({{{MeanElev}}} m)• The lowest point, {{{LowestPoint}}}{{{LowestElevUS}}} feet ({{{LowestElev}}} m)Local government informationState Governor Charlie Christ (R)Deputy Governor of {{{Lieutenant Governor}}}Members of the Senate Bill Nelson (D)Mel Martin nes (R)Members of the House of representatives to {{{Representative}}}Other information.Eastern time zone: UTC-5/4Central: UTC-6/-5Join the Federation March 3 2388 (1845) (rank 27) website.
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