2. modern range. Approx. 18 century there was an industrial revolution was the major event. Keep Europe moving into a completely new era Early modern European society after the change occurred. As follows: 2.1 social structure change causes the middle-class and a-class labourers resulting from industrial practice directly. 2.2 movement of Socialist ideas because labor is labor class exploitation by capitalists, the owner of the factory. Thus was born the concept of socialism that focuses on solving social problems contributing to equality. Social justice causes a revolution in Russia In 1917, a revolution in China in 1949 More important people think socialism is the way Carl Martin ka (Carl Marx), the father of communist doctrine. 2.3 changes in lifestyle and new lands to discover the industrial revolution in Europe, as a result, the life of a Westerner changed from original. Food consumption and more efficient products and social change from agriculture to urban society. 2.5 early modern culture: the culture behind the romantic (Romanticism) and realism (Realism), which is the style of the 19th century.The meaning of the Renaissance era. 1. Renaissance era or re netsong (Renaissance) means the rebirth of the Green folklore and Roman. Occurred in the late middle ages and continued to reign. About 20th century 15-16 2. key events leading up to today, there is 2 netsong resin. 2.1 the invention invented the book printer Johan's Han-Gu den Bergen (Johannes Gutenberg) and German, 1448, when as a result of the branch of knowledge more widely. 2.2 fall of Constantinople The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Centre of Byzantine folklore of the middle ages. When they expire in 1453, Ottoman toek fellow agents, as a result, people flee into Europe and bring the arts and sciences information.-Roman. To publish in Europe again. 3. main characteristics of the modern resin netsong There is a difference from the middle ages 2 reasons: 3.1 the widespread concept of humanism (Humanism) focused on the search for the truth about the human being and the environment around the man, interested in the world today, more than the story of Christianity. Consider the things in the world have a reason. The change of the concept of European Influence of the cultural creative firsthand Humans started dressing themselves, from the influence of Christianity and to develop ourselves to advance by learning Greek arts and Sciences requested tasks and Roman, which is considered as the source of the highest prosperity. 3.2 exploration and discovery of new sea lanes sometimes referred to as "session of discovered" (Age of Discovery), since the discovery of America, Christopher. In 1492, when Columbus was a result of economic changes in Europe, enormous. With the expansion of trade and hunting territory, colony, called the "era of colonialism" (Colonialism), which affect the creative culture of all Europe. 4. as a modern artist's resin netsong author of painting works. Sculpture and architecture. In re netsong will be accepted as conclusive, artisans, artists, famous middle ages have a good education and have a high social position and receive patronage from Government classes.Creative work, arts and Renaissance culture. Renaissance era or re netsong in the early 20th century 15-17 as a modern European art is inspired by the classic (Classic) refers to an artistic work, the Roman Greek and which is an example of art that flourished in every branch of a family. 1. architectural works This feature is used to format the hell aka Roman curved roofs are used and. Using a hemispherical dome roofs used (arch) and using a large antenna, etc. There is a growing Center for Europe. The masterpieces of the most famous is the chapel of St Peter in Vatican Rome designed by the brothers, it's (Bra Mrante) and Michael. Angela Lo (Michel Angelo) is a cathedral in Christianity, the largest in the world. 2. sculpture Emphasize your beauty in the human body. Statue or sculpture marble will display symptoms of muscle movements, like a real natural. Most important works belonging to Michael Angela Lo, which is capable of almost every branch of art, such as sculpture, marble, David Moses, and the event's eyes. 3. painting The highlight of this era was a painting that looks like a real poetpek, called the Executive (Perspective) by color, light and shadow, harmony. See the Visual depth of the shallow according to reality. The most prominent works of Leonardo (Leonardo da Vinci) and cheese throughout the nationals of Italy, where images and Moana hotel (Mona Lisa) and last meals (The Last Supper), which shows the atmosphere while Jesus is to eat food in combination with the last disciple. 4. literature has been influenced by the ideas and philosophy ask Greek kami, Yes, a little. Important works are as follows: 4.1 e Russ Davis NE (Erasmus) has studied the philosophy of holanda people green-roast until deeply disagree, according to the philosophy of salt hit samuean with the instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ for many reasons. In addition to this Bible translation Bible and writing a book that emphasizes human courtesy to each other according to the characteristics of humanism and Christian writings which will influence the religious reformation in later. 4.2 maekkhi r-Vale League (Marchiavilli) are among the people of Italy's political philosophy as "the Prince" (The Prince) To be used as subdivisions in the country and encourages Italy's national integration by emphasizing that "power is unethical," he said. If you want to achieve political success. Regardless of any morality 4.3 Sir Thomas Moore (Sir Thomas More), there is a significant British contribution "Utopia" (Utopia) As an ideal State, reflects the desire of people in modern society. 4.4 William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare) British writers, plays the most prominent era. Beautiful melodious language highlighting Use vocabulary that is meaningful to the profound, but not based on regulations that strictly along the classical Greek-Roman and asking too much. Important works:
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