1. breathe properly The brain uses 20% oxygen of oxygen into the body. A Deep Breath It is a great energy to the brain. This should sit back to back, shoulders heave. Inhale deeply and longest. Imagine that, as a body, we are very inflated. Slowly exhale slowly with long, about 3-5 round
2 sleep enough. And a tightly If sleep deprivation It makes the brain can not function fully. Moreover, may also increase the risk of Alzheimer disease and Parkinson's disease by
three. Laughing and smiling frequently contain Archuleta, a message of happiness. Pour out as an incentive This will eliminate the stress and reduce the burden of brain
fourth. Walk the walk just three times a week. The hippocampus helps the brain store memories. Working well
5. Dancing organizing body for the movement and the rhythm is all new brain activity. It also requires concentration and skill to fix with
six. Fitness workout Not only has a strong body. But also help the brain's secretion of intelligence (Fluid intelligence) that allows us to learn something new, better building front lobes, which help in the planning. And enables faster decision just three times a week for 30 minutes is enough for
seventh. Brain fitness using a "bat left-handed moves. Wink move left and right, "keeps the brain healthy. Two brain hemispheres, balancing work links well. And enhance learning, too.
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