The duties of the stomach. 1. confinement food before sending it over to the small intestine (Storage of food) the food is digested and transformed through strategies become a little liquid called Chyme. 2. movement (Gastric motility) to mash food, exposure to water, and the restaurant is in the condition of the Chyme toward the small intestine periodically in rate with sufficient speed. This is so that the gut has the opportunity to digest and assimilate it well. 3. driving a protease in the stomach (Gastric juice), which is the clear water with acidic properties. Specific gravity 1.002-1.003Secretions of the stomach. 1. salt acid (HCl) is produced from glands in the Gastric Parietal cell inserted in the form of H +, Cl-through the Canaliculi. 2. the substance of mucus (Mucous) produced from the Gastric Mucous cell in upper gland. Pepsin secretion from Peptic cell 3. "or Chief Cell. Gastrin secretion from Gastric Hormon 4. cellThe secretion of the gastric secretions. 1. Cephalic Phase occurs before the food into the stomach by birth from seeing. Sense of smell The taste of the food, or even think about food like. 2. Gastric Phase occurs when food falls in the stomach, stimulate Local, enteric reflexes vagovagal reflexes Long and Gastrin from the food to make the walls of the stomach stretch out. 3. Intestinal Phase when the food towards the duodenum, it has stimulated by the hormone Gastrin secretion.
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