Lung disease.Lung disease or disease of the lungs or lung disease (Pulmonary disease or Lung disease) is a disease or abnormal condition happened to lung tissue, or with the wind, it tube resulted in symptoms due to lack of oxygen. Because the lungs are responsible for blood purification. Get rid of excess carbon side blood out of the body through the breath. At the same time it brings oxygen from the air into the various cells throughout the body via blood (read more details and video on physical medicine Department of the lungs in an article on the Web about Mesothelioma lung Anatomy: and Physiology) in this article. I'd call the lung disease/lung disease called "lung disease"Lung disease is caused by a variety of reasons (as described later in this topic causes/risk factors), which are often found in one disease disease all over the world in every race. Found in all ages from newborn to elderly people by chance was similar in women and men.In Australia Lung disease has approximately 7 million people aged 35 years and above in the United States. States found people with an elevated disease (diseases of lung disease in one) Approximately 1 billion people every year (counting all patients as well as patients and new patients is older) In the United Kingdom 1 in 7 men of men with chronic lung disease with an illness, such as asthma. Air bags inflate and Pong disease bronchi to promote SOE and baruearang as well. In Canada Lung disease-more than 10% of patients required treatment in hospital and lung disease causes the death of approximately 16% of all of Canada's sailors died. In the United States died from lung disease, the incidence of moderate chronic (COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in lung disease/inflammation and 4 disease, pneumonia in 6 of causing the deaths of all the population.Lung diseases are divided two groups: acute lung disease, chronic lung disease and.• Acute lung disease usually caused by infection or accident directly against lung disease that is often lost and loving it courses duration is approximately 2-4 short weeks with lung disease commonly found in acute lung infection is from lung disease (infection may be known as infectious disease tract damage.The lower steps) is a common viral infection or bacterial infection such as a cold, disease. Influenza disease, lung inflammation. Chronic pneumonia Tuberculosis and other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, found a small blood clot a lump sum to leaked lung artery walls UD (Pulmonary embolism) causes lung disease, Lung cavity membranes rupture/air (Pneumothorax) or accident due to rupture of the airbags inflate (Bleb) that are larger in the lung by an unknown or disease from high.• Chronic lung disease is a disease that is chronic, as no treatment. And recurring lung disease is acute as insolent, periodically, but it can maintain control of the patient's life quality of life. Chronic lung disease is found frequently, such as asthma. Chronic bronchitis. The incidence of chronic lung disease, perhaps Air bags inflate Pong disease. Diseases of lung cancer bronchi flesh or other organs, the cancer spread to the lungs, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, bone cancer. Soft tissue cancer, skin cancer, melanoma or prostate cancer.Symptoms.Symptoms of lung disease from all causes are similar. Is a symptom that is caused by the lungs work less common symptoms.• I may cough, phlegm phlegm, there is or not. This all depends on the cause.• Contamination of blood and blood cholesterol with a cough, for example, lung cancer, or tuberculosis.• Carry a long breath, there may be abnormal sounds breath.• There may be chest pain, which is often painful where the lung disease, and there is no pain/pain in the arm to crack face as in cardiovascular diseases or diseases of the heart muscle dies.• Fever may be high fever, for example, have both pneumonia from infected or low temperature, such as from tuberculosis.• There may be water in the lung tissue, called the pneumonia disease such as water from a high rise or a disease pneumonia. As a result, breathing, carry a long breath and/• There may be water in the membrane, such as in the lung cavity, lung cancer causes breathing difficulties.• When is. The body lacks oxygen. Resulted in dark green, the symptoms are usually evident that finger nails, feet and lips.• When a lot is reflected to the working of the heart, causing heart disease and causes the heart attack and death (death).• When a lot is causing respiratory failure and cardiac death in the end.
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