Hanoi, capital of Viet Nam is 3344 square kilometers. Population of 6.5 million people, most of the nation's largest secondary 2 from Ho Chi Minh City is considered the city that because generally, the usual capital is often most populous cities (not counting nature, because it is a new city, pido)
strengths.-High-quality population and eager to learn new things, labor, wages. Low and the population in the working age as high as 54 per cent of the population of all
- There are many natural resources. Long distance coastal reaches 3,260 kilometers is rich in crude oil and seafood. Natural gas
-The investor will receive a tax exemption for a period of 4 years from last year's profit and tax at a rate of one half of the rate of duty has been promoting for a period of 7 years after that of taxation at a rate that has been promoting until 15 years. 25 since last year 16 onwards
Vulnerability- The original law of the country, Viet Nam still lacks clear and requires interpretation, making it an obstacle to the performance of government officials in
.-The system infrastructure and utilities are not ready and sufficient electricity, particularly that it appears that there are currently shortages frequently
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