A preface This part of the book report subjects on Thailand tales, but the country's sectors, Thailand. So folk tales of Thailand in each story have enhance the enjoyment. As well as provide insight in the tradition culture of Thailand. Can be individually in the minds of people to operate in the North, with generosity and gentle, submissive? Worthy find these tales to their ethical, not less. Folk tales of each region will have the pleasure to readers by inserting a comment will be the meat in that particular story teaches motto by having each of the tales is the northern sector. South Central ISAN by enhance the enjoyment and understanding of tradition culture of Thailand and is also preserved and allows the national youth have the opportunity to learn about the lifestyles of their ancestors hotels as well. To bring the tales to storytelling, teaching the kids listen to words he surely will be, enjoy and know the burden that will be required to teach the content only. By living personification is an illustration. In addition, each story tales also provides facts and help in reading comprehension. The burn. Use the correct language is to add skills to see, listen to and follow the good examples like the study of fairy tales, therefore, is a factor, Both theoretical knowledge and caused accounting batduai both. If an error occurs in the request with.
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