Bind the arm or wrist.When the Brahmin gift relatives will get formula over rice, eggs, bananas, put the hand a left hand or right hand. Have a Brahmin tied wrist before normal to tie his left wrist because the left arm is a weak arm is แขนที่ work hard not to a lovely arm to cherish. At the time of the wrist tie all extend my right hand support (attack) arms of the owner, a Brahmin was a tie the wrist if away stretched forth his hand, and took the arm or touch on. A line like The rope indicate to physical relationship. Then set their allusions to ask the owner a happy prosperous tie wrists when finished Lord gift is. Happiness prosperity when bound to its owner a wrist and pay obeisance to the blessing. เป็นการรับ bring blessing when Brahmins tie finished, next is the chance of a normal family to tie with the owner of a wristThe thread binding the arms (thread tied wrist) is good, holy should preserved don"t pull away, pass 3 days before pulling out the time leave don"t leave. Down the dirt because the thread binding arms is pure white As the source of the pure mind many stars should be preserved well. The elders used to tell that the thread binding arms stored, is sacred, prevent harmful, such as the robbers robbed, wishing to mind. Every planet help is safe from harm and appeal to my heart to love - would like that.Bind (bind) binding arm wrist arm to use health gives the owner a gift should assemble.The 4th is: -.A tie or a Brahmin- the tie or the owner a gift.- it is family.- words as binding.Words as binding as requested to invite a gift which is the words, sweet, gentle, เรียบร้อยมีความหมาย on pretty good.The first class, the opportunity has on several occasions such as respect Buddha offering monks, welcome back my mom karma (maternity out) welcome back boy. Welcome back to the environment Welcome back to normal. Welcome back to marry. Welcome back to the capital. Welcome back to the cart. Welcome back up the coop (barn) to little gifts before the wedding.
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