As the son of the ruler of sackcloth are right old man with God sprinkler, which is your sister into B. It was born and grows in Phrae fully. Rule the town from the ruler into the lung during the financialThe 15 to 24 24 31 ruler sackcloth. A governor that cultivate a habit of saving Recognition to the sober and published as well, as there is a legend that Boiler you set for the roaming street.1. If anyone using the Big Dipper scoop drink the water, then pour the water waste, or small ladle scoop drinking again when neither satisfied, all got grandpa shot. (weapons using marbles as small as the bullet can hurt or wound).Whether or not economical. The ruler of sackcloth also trades teak. Income for the town of millions per year. The economy in the town on the continuity and possible. Ruler ruler PIM substance, or sackcloth(B.Prof. 24 15 - 24 31) is the son you are right, and the Striped (old). Rule ruler descended from Vijaya the uncle (The EaglesThe 15 to 24 24 31) ruler sackcloth (PIM substance, or leg K) has a wife in your name glass flow in rat (there is evidence in the tables - inscription), but did not have a royal temple Tang - daughter together or
.The ruler sackcloth (PIM substance, or leg K) has a wife one name, the mother's daughters, a taste of the daughter 4 people
1 God solve her husband name you Chai Lanka. No บุตร- daughter
2 God cushion, husband's name, captain has two children is
.You don't know the name of the husband
you less, and the name of his wife's mother suwinthawong humor words, strong flavor (no children)
3 God Indra down Lau husband name you long Si Ti. (the boss Nan) with children. 3 people
.You don't have a wife and children, the situation is Lampang (name unknown)
mother bubbles play มารดาพระอุบาลี you ณูป master (Fu อตต acne environment)
You glass faceted (single)
.4. You the family or ruler พิริย gods families undercut town. The last (year 3 2 - 24 24 4 5)
ruler sackcloth (PIM substance, or leg K) has another wife. Her name you words ใย้ a child of one people
.เจ้าสุริยะ incentive performance, and the name of his wife, the mother suchada (no children)
เจ้าสุริยะ incentive performance her glass bubble (home meets line) had a daughter. 1 People
you bunnam. Wang Sai (compound development)
เจ้าสุริยะ incentive performance she Peng (local) house to have children. 1 people's
.You little substance development
เจ้าสุริยะ incentive performance her glass (House Crow song) is the son of man is
you little duck. Development of children and grandchildren of Queen
Inn down sharpening and you long Si Ti is
.One you have a wife and children in Sri Lampang (name unknown)
2 the bubbles play husband named Mr. Nan hundred play with children. 8 People
you play her glass is pa play (no children)
.ณูป meagreness you master (Fu อตฺ past acne environment)
her little Bunya Bunya multiply multiply you meeting with children, 2 people are
her flower. พัณ nimmanahaeminda. You bearing nimmanahaeminda
you Boonmee Bunya Devi (deceased)
.Mr. moonlight played her little play with children. 3 people is a
miss chusri play
she bunnam พัฒนรัฐ. You maintain the development state, have children, three people
she echoing Play
you. Play her huak play with children. 3 people
she Kanda Chai eye you during ไชยเนตร
.You also played
you meet play (deceased)
she บัวเขียว Festival (play), Mr. Wan. Occasions, there are children 6 people is a
she enucleation. The festival (another 5 people name unknown)
she dari chaipravat (play) you rumors chaipravat with children. 3 people is a
.She achara eye tip (chaipravat) pol Prasit eye tip having children 2 people
general pat eye d
miss world strong eye d
you suwilai premsrirat. Dr. olarn chaipravat (single)
, นางสุชาดา chaipravat chaipravat, children, 2 people is
missShine, chaipravat
You endurance. Chaipravat
she anong kraison (play) you the kraison has children. 3 people
she จุไร kraison.
she kusuma behavior d)
prime (kraison Western-style Kraison
3, the mother glass faceted (single).
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