They will be helping to reduce the amount of oil that we may use a bicycle instead of car will be when I go to the nearby house, use a bicycle instead of a car motorcycle
1. Driver does not exceed 90 a. m. The.
2.Car parking is at home by public transportation if the user car 1% from the number 5 million units have turned to using a public car with 48K/day
3.Do not drive out the engine on the parking at rest for 5 minutes in vain 500 CC fuel consumption
4. The same with each other. If you go to driving 5 cars to the same destination, 48 km distance./units (back) oil consumption to 5,200 liters in fuel 78,000 Baht
5. Avoid rush hour
6.Use the Phone - Fax bypass communication device instead of using a car to travel between agencies such as sent a letter to express how to send a fax, use
7.Plan before you go if you don't study route before traveling and lost 10 minutes drive to fuel consumption is 500 CC fuel
7.50 Baht 8.tire must fit Filter must be clean soft tire pressure than the standard 1 pounds per square inch drive every day if a daily average 48 K
1 months 9. does not carry the necessary
more than 10.Check engine regularly improves the performance car, always good to have 3 per cent of fuel efficiency - 9
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