The most accurate, Mature seeds of two traditional rice genotypes (Kalijira and Chinigura) were used for callus induction. And plant regeneration on different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators cultured on MS (Murashige. And Skoog) basal medium. Callus induction frequency was different between the cultivars as well, as among, the 24 - dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2 4-D), levels tested. Both tested cultivars exhibited highest callus frequency at 2 MGL - 1 2 4-D,,. The incorporation of benzylaminopurine (BAP) and kinetin (KIN) in the callus induction medium supplemented with 2 MGL - 1 2 4-D,, Did not significantly improve the callus induction frequency but required days of Callus Initiation were decreased compared. To single use, of 24-D. After, two subcultures at 21 days interval embryogenic callus, was placed on medium containing different concentration. And combination of auxin and cytokinin. Treatment T 4 (0.5 mg L - 1 BAP and 0.1 mg L - 1 IBA) showed the highest shoot induction: 91.67% in. Kalijira and 83.33% in Chinigura. Similarly the highest, range of shoot number was also observed in both genotypes when. Treated with 0.5 MGL - 1 BAP and 0.1 MGL - 1 IBA. Plant regeneration efficiency was further observed best when treated with 1 MGL - 1 2 4-D,, Along with 1 MGL - 1 2 4-D along, with 1 MGL - 1 BAP and 1 MGL - 1 IBA. Furthermore the highest, number of callus derived shoot. Per culture was achieved in 2 MGL - 1 2 4-D along, with 1 MGL - 1 BAP and 1 MGL - 1 IBA.Both rice genotypes are promising in terms of callus induction frequency and morphology and regeneration, ability of the. Embryogenic callus.
Key words: callus induction plant regeneration, aromatic rice shoots,,,
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