The study about the expansion of speech (Noun Modifiers) by pursuing the matter which adjectives the frame we are aware of the types of nouns, and the types of adjectives and make us aware of the main position of the words that do extend a noun by sorting before a project at this time, we also have recipes for easy positioning of the different types of nouns is D C1 C2 O1 SA Q1 Q2 Sh P O2 N2 N1 + M, and includes tips on how to remember is: D O1 C1 vote dok Q1 Q2 vote khwoe SA vote Plaza C2 Sh P vote shop O2 vote o N1 + N2 M vote muen So we will have to remember techniques D C1 C2 O1 SA Q1 Q2 Sh P O2 N2 + N1 M that "dokkhwoe Plaza shop o muen." After we have techniques to spread such adjectives, we put it to a trial with friends and students in grade 3/1, 3/2, 3/3 2 Ganges, brightness, measured the number of municipal schools, 63 people, it appears that the results of 56 students, people who have test results after learning higher representing 88.89 have 7 students with test results before and after the classes are equal. 11.11 percent, from which the results thereof, we are present in the form of a line graph. Benefits received. 1. knowledge about nouns 2. to learn about adjectives 3. knowledge of the principles, expanded noun 4. the sentence is correct as the main language. Suggestions. Formula D C1 C2 O1 SA Q1 Q2 Sh M N2 N1 + O2 P this gives students the ability to reorder the group type. But if participants can not remember the words that are in a group, expand them. Candidates can no longer isolate, expand, and sort the words come Grandma nouns. So dear, so it must always remember the meaning of the words that are in different groups, which will help students sort nouns comes expanded correctly. Accurate and faster.
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