With more than 60 years is that the enter a tires matum eggs in a traditional noodle Bowl recipe restaurant idea. Whether a small spicy noodle soup line that sour taste out shredded omelette sprinkled with salt and dried it with the shrimp out and peanuts, delicious.
With over 60 years of exclusivity to harden the egg into the bowl of noodles. The restaurant is a traditional recipe that make them up. Tom yum noodle soup that will not thin out the sour taste, sprinkle with shredded omelette. Salty peanuts and dried shrimp and it was delicious too.
With more than 60 years. Special and boiled egg is put into a bowl of noodles. The original recipe is that we think up such lines เล็กต้มยำ noodles soup, taste sour shredded omelette, sprinkle with