The preparation of the student's portfolio1. a profile of students, parents, name, address, telephone number. 2. educational background 3. contributions/activities to take advantage of a student (continuously operating) evidence, such as GIA rato card. Awards from the workpiece or participate in sports activities. Bachelor of Arts, or other people on either side of the students both in and outside school (photos/traces).4. a happy family.The evidence shows a perfect happy family ณืเป็น (continuous operation) the evidential displayed by the warmth of a family vacation, such as. In accordance with their religious or cultural holidays Thailand (photos/traces). 5. the public To show proof of community service and make a great threat. Social assistance in mind occasions such as social assistance, kindness in Osaka and other strings (photo/traces). 6. relations with the old school parents and students. Evidence of cooperation activities with the help of the original school. Various educational institutions, including community and society as a whole has continued the practice (photo/traces).
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