The sour is the processing and preservation that represents the wisdom of the people who can keep foods, meat in one. The production process is done by letting fermentation with infections in nature to little oxygen for growth. The packing must be focused on clean and to kick out all the air so that the microorganisms that produce acid lac ติกซึ่ง sour grow only. For packaging format used was originally a banana leaf tightly into rods proper size by allowing air to be minimal. But at present the commonly used plastic bags are containers instead. Because it is simpler and more convenient and can prevent the air in as well.Fermented food made from fermented pork used to achieve the sour. The sour pork occurs due to some kinds of microorganisms involved in เปลี่ยนแปลงที่เกิด up during fermentation microorganisms are found. Lactic Acid Bacteria also, vitamin B1 B2, iron and phosphorus, fermented will look and taste good, it will require components in moderation. Because the components play an important role in making the fermented.1. Salt products smell good. Help in keeping the meat to inhibit the growth of organic experiment, causing a change in the way that doesn"t want to. Salt will determine the type of bacteria to thrive on salt concentration. In the salt into the pork will find that Microorganisms that well. Microorganisms that produce lactic acid.2 glutinous rice cooked. In fermented rice is adding to carbohydrate source of microorganisms that play a role in fermentation fermented used to thrive.
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