Summer time at the Coliseum naben tons, died after receiving a kidney transplant at a private hospital in London.Several months later, but in case of news throughout the United Kingdom, when his widow revealed that renal transplant which her husband had come from a citizen of Turkey who have paid $ 3300 to fly to England and organ donation. Donors said that he had decided to sell his kidney to pay for medical treatment for his daughter.The concern here in the United Kingdom over the issue raised in the case law that passed the Parliament on Friday banned khayowaiwa human beings to grow.The same concern, and those over the age of vulnerability in the law in other countries. Some parts of the World Health Organization to actively practice recently in a resolution asking Member countries of the Organization, may be appropriate measures, including legislation to ban the trade of human organs.But while the British are moving to the sale of human organs is illegal in the country and the United States chariyasat United States domestic policy analysts are beginning to point out that the settlement of land donations, or they may be an effective way to increase the supply of organs available for transplant.The idea of an organ for sale '' is relentlessly crawling into The health-care debate, ' ' Joe a. Swerdlow said in a recent report, the laaen for the Annenberg Washington Program, which is a public policy research group in cooperation with the University of Illinois at Chicago, Western.'' I see an unforgettable gift relationship ' may not be enough as the driving force and the era in medicine today, ' ' he writes, '' if the cost seems wrong, it may be better to accept the suffering and death of patients otherwise unable to receive a transplant. ''Chariyasat also wondering who should have the right to khayowaiwa or tissue from the body itself.'' Traffic '' has not been large, Bernard, Professor of law, medical dadik fans at the University of Toronto said, '' it's like a mom agent. There are very few cases, but it is a threat to the system. ''Doctors, lawyers, and public health officials say that the sale of donated body parts by poverty is a phenomenon that is growing, because it is possible to live with just one kidney, and due to the high demand for organs, so that the kidney is one of the most popular parts for commercial transactions. There are people selling their own blood for a long time for many years.Recently, a San Diego advertising for people to donate bone marrow for transplantation given to their son, who suffered from cancer of white blood cells. They withdraw ads when they knew that it violated the law.New England's law makes it a crime to provide or receive payment for supplying the organs of all living or dead person. It is also prohibited from acting as a broker to handle the advertising for organs for organ transplant or from donors who have not associated closely with the recipient.Women across the country to new computers that log all transplant donors, both living and dead, will be used to help law enforcement.Punishment for breaking the new law is either $ 3300, or three months in jail if convicted under the law doctors may lose the right to use drugs.The resolution of the health organization urged to gather information about the organ trade laws in member countries and the dissemination of the research results.At least 20 other countries, including the United States and Canada, most of Western Europe has banned the sale of law or policy organs of human beings.
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