Open skating (English: figure skating). It is sometimes transliterated as popular, called "koetket configuration", is a competitive sport, ice skating, where by spinning, jumping, satep feet (step sequences), and other shows in general tend to be composed of music. There is even a single tournament, as the pair (the male twin girls), Dan's ice (ice dancing) and groups (synchronized skating) (there is no race in the world championship or Olympic level in this category). There are many international competitions with competition rules, design and supervision by the United House ice skating (ISU)-international skating competition entry, which is a euphemism for one in the race. Winter Olympics List of international competition, the world's main line, which is located in the governance of the United. Ice skating International House are as follows: Winter Olympics (Winter Olympic Games), the open world championship skating competition (World Championships Figure Skating) Open Championship skating competition in Europe (the European Figure Skating Championships) four continents Championship (Four Continents Figure Skating Championships) and an s-u-Grand Prix (Grand Prix of Figure Skating ISU).This sport is associated closely with the entertainment business management shows that it is not a race, and there is also a skating show to entertain the audience after the end of the race. The sport was first known as the "exhibition" (exhibition) or "Ka la" (gala) was called. Many skating analysts after the end of the race, usually a professional skating show to display several. Unlike the open skates skates used in ice hockey The header of the Pocket knife open skates with wavy underlines are the teeth. Get pixels (toe pick), master (or rek) Use the clubs ground aid in jumping. Should not be used in the rotation. Currently, the pixel master a relatively wide range of design. Some of these are the teeth protrude at the sides of the blade.Leela skates blades with curved shapes from the front to the rear with a radius of 2 m blade curve skateboard is a hollow shape Groove at the edge of the blade, which makes the blade is divided into two sharp knives or sharp knife (Edges) is inside and outside. To the left is sharp knives, skating on one side only. Sharp is not skating on both at the same time (which is to the left flat) from the Groove in the Middle, making a sharp knife split into two sides like this, students will have to learn that Lila skating is poised for either side blades. Thus was born the term "side" edge (Inside Edge) or to market by a sharp knife poised from the inside (toward the side) and "out side edge" (Outside Edge), or to market by a sharp knife poised on the outside (on leave)To the left, slipping well based on the ability to use a sharp knife to speed up efficiency. There are currently designing the skate blade shaped parabola to help increase the stability of Skate by with a concave side of blade-based medium, and the design of a "pixel" (K-Pick), which is pixel to add virtual token to add ice to maximize the pecking raengkrachak, and the length of the jump. However, the design of both the right-handed shooter.In the past. Skates are made of leather and are manufactured by hand but today. Skates are made of artificial materials with Lo. Start has been very popular due to the high durability and lighter than leather, and there is a new version of the cheap shoes are best folded. ankle flexibility. Shoes from synthetic materials can be customized with the fast feet help to shorten the period of adjustment, with the toe shoes (Break-In) shoes from artificial materials are popular for training. However, the skates are made of genuine leather is expensive and popular for high level athletes, rather than because of the extra layer of the DermIS is up to 3 layers to enhance strength and other advantages of high heel shoes is to be able to adapt to the foot-shaped athletes better when used in a period of time (Break-In), even if it requires a longer time to adapt synthetic shoes, according to the.Selecting equipment for athletes, it is necessary to consistently play with level model of the shoe and blade together, which manufacturers are described clearly that the shoes or what look like blades to suit the player's level.The blades then adhere to the insole and heel by anchor with screw nail. Other than that, it has protected the bottom spring pad. Use the pants to conform to reduce slip and fall time, wound prevention blades skating call card (guard) used to cover the blade when it is necessary to walk on the ice, not the LAN area. In order to protect the device's blade for knife defense, another type of trigger is called soft types for sok protective blade cover rust from moisture. While not wearing
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