The criteria established and operates international schools To provide a quality international school and has high standards. The Ministry of education's updated criteria established and operated the following international school. 1. the definition International schools refer to the education in the education system by using a course abroad or overseas course that details the contents of the new courses, or courses that make up that is not the course of action. Education and enforcement of a foreign language as a medium for teaching and learning, with students without limits. Racial, religious, and it is not contrary to morality, the stability of the country. 2. the property of the person to obtain a license for the establishment. Those who obtain a license to establish a school, it could be an individual or a legal entity that has properties as follows: The person must have an nationalities in Thailand by the 2.1 births with no less than Bachelor's degree and other qualified private school Act b.e. 2525 and the Ministry of education regulations define. 2.2 legal entity. (1) with the purpose to study the (2) shareholders or directors Thailand nationality cannot be less than one half (3) the signatory represents a legal entity is to obtain a license to establish a school must have an nationalities in Thailand by birth. (4) any other act qualified private school since the Ministry of education works and 2525 defined. 3. location 3.1 land must be appropriate and sufficient space to the degree that has been detrimental, as follows: (1) prior to the elementary level. The land must have the same contact as space of not less than 1 Rai. (Ii) elementary The land must have the same contact as space of not less than 2 acres. (3) secondary The land must have the same contact as space of not less than 2 acres. (4) If a school from elementary to high school education before. The land must have the same contact as space of not less than 5 acres. 3.2 land use, organize the school must obtain a user's proprietary licenses. If the land is in the mortgage liability. Need a mortgage for the operation, according to the project. 3.3 If the land lease must look like this: (1) a land Bureau of the Crown property the application properties is that worship the sacred temple grounds or State Agency, or State enterprises or? (2) a private land, but there must be a lease which has a term of rent. The following education breaking respectively. -First level primary school and primary school The rental period is not less than 10 years. -Secondary The rental period is not less than 15 years. 3.4 soil must be located in a nice environment. Convenient transportation There is a fence around the territory certainly displayed. There is a large enough school affairs. No flooding Does not violate the student's health and hygienic conditions? There are no other establishments located within or close to the factories, or the like can cause hazard or near a location can cause hazard or near places of appropriately acts, with the exception of government agencies responsible for the security certificate. 3.5 there must be a green space for students, at least one in three of all areas. 3.6 save indoor or outdoor activities that support teaching and learning and students. At least one in three of all living areas 4. building and design School buildings and building components must be stable, strong and light enough. Airy as well. The classroom must have the appropriate size and style for each level, courses. 4.1 first level building height maximum height 2 elementary and middle room pillars must be impersonal. Elementary and secondary education. If the 4-storey building with elevator has exceeded the required width of a trail up must not be less than 1.50 m. 4.2 the size of a classroom no less than 48 square meters. Part of the narrow room, there are no less than 4 m to 2 km each way tongkwang not less than 80 cm if there's only one way tongkwang not less than 1.60 meters. 4.3 criteria for the calculation of the number of students. (1) no more than elementary level before 20 people per room, or the basis of the calculation of 2.5 square meters per person doyonulom. (2) no more than 25 elementary people per room, or the basis of the calculation of 2.0 square meters per person doyonulom. (3) secondary not exceeding 30 people per room, or the basis of the calculation of a 1.50 square meters per person doyonulom, and the remaining space is sufficient for the activity. 4.4 provide an en-suite bathroom-toilet The male-female split of not less than that set out in the regulations. the Ministry of education and the appropriate number of students. 4.5 rooms, nurses must be provided with appropriate medical supplies. If it is opened from elementary up to detach the male-female doctor. Rooms at least 4.6 must contain. The school room. The library restaurant The heart of the cultural, language and other Thailand and, as appropriate, with the necessary products, guru, material, but each room is. Appropriate and sufficient. 4.7 the proposed construction must be a plan, the private education Commission approval and listing, and must have permission from the relevant Government. 5. the course. 5.1 who obtain a license to establish a school must offer courses, approval by the Ministry of education may use a course abroad. The course, which is taken at the school or course preparation. 5.2 there must be, to learn the language and culture teaching Thailand Thailand, with all students in the grade school. It is given to international students studying the language and culture of Thailand is Thailand 1 lessons per week for students to learn by everyone, Thailand Thailand and Thailand for at least a week 5 lessons time schedule 1 lessons 50 minutes to the eyes.
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