1. As you are a student. Do you think what problem you confront the most?2. What is the cause of the problem you are confronting?3. If you have this problem , it will affect you?4. Do you have the way to cope and prevent with this problem? How? 5. Do you have suggestion or add any comment for adaptation?1. as you are a student, what do you think is the problem that you face the most.Fear has no friends, and new friends are not.2. the cause of the problem you are facing? Lack of confidence in themselves do not dare to approach others.3. If you have this problem, it will affect you? Very effective, because if there are no friends, and was not able to adapt to new friends. It makes sense that he doesn't want to study here. 4. do you have a way to deal with this issue and protect? ?To open your mind and gradually learn the habit of new friends.5. do you have a suggestion or any comment on adaptation?We live in a new society, that we are not familiar. Should be recognized and accepted by an open mind to new things.
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