This may be explained on the basis that on increasing the concentratio การแปล - This may be explained on the basis that on increasing the concentratio แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

This may be explained on the basis

This may be explained on the basis that on increasing the concentration of RB, the reaction rate increases as more molecules of dye were available for degradation, but further increase in concentration after certain limit causes retardation of the reaction. It is because at the higher concentration, the dye molecules themselves act as filter for incident light, thus proper intensity of the light does not reach the molecules present
in the interior of the reaction mixture, which results in decrease in the rate of degradation. Moreover, at the higher concentration the number of collisions between dye molecules increases whereas, the collisions between dye and OH radicals decreases. As a consequence, the rate of reaction is retarded. Unsuitable steric orientation is also one of the major factors for decrement in the rate of reaction
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
dit kan verduidelik word op die basis dat op die verhoging van die konsentrasie van rb, die reaksie koers verhoog as meer molekules van kleur beskikbaar was vir die agteruitgang, maar verdere toename in konsentrasie na sekere limiet veroorsaak vertraging van die reaksie. dit is omdat die hoër konsentrasie, die kleurstof molekule tree ook as filter vir voorval lig.dus behoorlike intensiteit van die lig bereik nie die molekules
in die binneland van die reaksie-mengsel, wat lei tot afname in die tempo van agteruitgang. Verder, by die hoër konsentrasie van die aantal botsings tussen verf molekules verhoog terwyl die botsings tussen verf en oh radikale verminder. as 'n gevolg, die tempo van die reaksie is vertraag.ongeskik steriese geaardheid is ook een van die belangrikste faktore vir decrement in die tempo van die reaksie.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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