นอกจากนี้ บริเวณใกล้ ๆ ยังมีแหล่งท่องเที่ยวมากมาย เช่น Palio, Primo Piazza, Sheep Land, ตลาดน้ำเขาใหญ่, The Bloom by ทีวีพูล, The Pete Maze และเขาใหญ่ พาโนรามา ฟาร์ม ฯลฯ
In addition, there are also nearby many attractions such as Piazza Primo, Palio, Land, water, markets, Sheep Mountain, The Bloom by TV pool, Pete The Maze and mountain panorama. The farm, etc.
In addition, there are many attractions nearby such as Palio, Primo Piazza, Sheep Land, his hospital, The Bloom by TV, The Pete Maze and the great panorama farms etc.
In addition, the area near also has many attractions, such as Palio Primo Piazza,, Land floating Sheep, Khao Yai, The Bloom by TV pool,. The and Pete Maze mountain panorama, farms, etc.