Planting vegetables, bamboo leaf slug 1 has a height that is the number of centimeters and 16.59 is 10 trees, vegetables, bamboo leaf slug second plant by using compost, it was found that the use of mushrooms in straw bale fuel conversions that nitrogen and potassium can be at most. Best chicken manure fertilizer that is used with the greatest quantity of phosphorus. It is acid alkaline value is greater than the increase in fertilizer. Our rolls percentage humidity conversion expiration value, straw mushrooms, most. The conversion used Fertilizer, manure, there will be an average height and number of leaves, respectively, 11 cm and 21.53. Wet and dry weight, weight average cost per conversion, it was found that the conversion against the use of fertilizer, chicken pellets have the most weight. Chicken manure fertilizer that contains the appropriate quantity of nutrients on the growth of vegetable bamboo leaf slug, most.
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