What I am worried is whether hyaluronic acid is used for cosmetics or not. According to your explanation, FDA allows to use HA as cosmetics, right? not classified as pharmaceutical? Please let me confirm just in case.
What I am worried is whether hyaluronic acid is used for cosmetics or not.According to your explanation, FDA allows to use HA as cosmetics, right? not classified as pharmaceutical?Please let me confirm just in case.
What I am worried is whether Hyaluronic acid is used for cosmetics or not. According to your explanation, Allows FDA to use HA as cosmetics, Right? not classified as Pharmaceutical? Please Let Me Confirm just in Case.
What I am worried is whether hyaluronic acid is used for cosmetics or not. According to, your explanation FDA allows to. Use HA, as cosmetics right? Not classified as pharmaceutical? Please let me confirm just in case. .